The Auto-Sleeper Motorhome Owners Forum (ASOF)
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Forum Posting Rules

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Forum Posting Rules Empty Forum Posting Rules

Post by Admin Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:38 pm

read rules

Posting Rules for Topic Titles / Profiles / Avatars / Signatures etc:

Post / Topic Titles:

• Please DO NOT change topic titles to Blue / Red or any other colour.
Only Moderators or Admin are allowed to use this feature to draw attention to important information!
Members who use this feature to draw attention to their posts will have the heading changed.
In order to get a better response, please try to use a title that clearly describes the content of your post.
Please Don't use all capitals or special characters to draw attention.

Post / Topic Fonts:

• Please DO NOT use non standard fonts within your post.
This includes using colour fonts - use of any font other than the standard Implicit font will be edited and changed.
Please DO NOT use excessive capitals or Extra Large / Bold fonts this is considered shouting


• Avatar dimensions : 150 x 112 pixels is Recommended.

Your avatar must NOT exceed a maximum of 150 pixels (wide) x 200 pixels (High)
No inappropriate images please or they will be removed!


• AS Vehicle field:
In order to keep side profiles tidy please keep this simple, for example: Symbol / Trident / Nuevo / Executive / Broadway etc,
Do Not type Auto-Sleeper as an icon is present for this purpose.

• Model of Auto-Sleeper owned field:
Here you can if you wish add additional info ie; Year, Engine size, Fuel type, etc

You have permission to place a link to your personal website or business website through your profile.
No inappropriate web links or they will be removed


In order to keep posts tidy on the forum please follow these basic rules for signatures

• Signature content : No images or photos - Signatures are not allowed more than 1 line of text.
Please only use standard font text - Please Do Not use bold fonts or larger fonts than standard.
Signatures may not contain links to other threads, or posts for the purpose of self promotion, or to promote ones business or website,
* In certain cases and with prior permission we will consider links in signatures if we feel the content of the website benefits our members.


• Photo dimensions : Not to exceed 640x480 (maximum) No inappropriate photos to be uploaded!
Use an external hosting site like Photobucket, Tinypics, Imageshack, Fileden etc

User Names:

If you choose a user name that, in our opinion, is obscene, indecent, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate, or if
you appear to be imitating another member, or staff member by purposely using a very similar name we reserve the right to deny
you access to the forum by way of a ban or (and without prior notice to you) change your user name to something more suitable.
DO NOT use email addresses or the "@ sign" within your user names, if you do your name will just be edited.


• Posting content : Keep all topics in their appropriate forums.
If you're unsure of the proper location for your topic, post it in General forum or Discussion lounge.

If you can't locate a post you've made, use the search feature as it may have been moved to a more appropriate forum
by a moderator. You can also find posts / topics that you have posted to the boards by going to your side profile & clicking
on your username>statistics>find all topics posted by (your username)

Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive.
Any post containing inappropriate links will be deleted and the poster will receive a ban.

DO NOT create posts that refer members to other websites for the purpose of either "Self Promotion" or "Profit" without express
permission of the Administrator of this site

Please DO NOT post any racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discrimination.
No posts allowed that are intended to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory.

Important: Please do not expose us to any unnecessary legal liability e.g. Please consider the consequences or repercussions for ASOF
if legal action should be instigated against us, as a result of content you have posted regardless of the situation or your intention!

Respect Staff :

• Please show respect to forum staff at all times.
The Administrators and Staff of this forum are unpaid and do this work completely voluntarily and without which this forum would not exist.
If a member of staff contacts you to give guidance, or informs you of something they feel breaks the rules or they are unhappy about please respect their wishes.
If staff deem your messages, or response rude or uncooperative you will receive a warning, further warnings will result in your account being deactivated or a ban.

Inappropriate Language:

• Please do not use bad language on the forum! Filters are in place to prevent inappropriate words being posted to the boards.
If members attempt to bypass these filters by using additional characters, or omitting certain letters, then their posts will be removed or edited.
If you really feel the need to swear then please respect other users by using this censored emoticon


• Please respect other members by acting in a mature manner and accepting others may not always agree with your opinions.
It doesn't mean another member is right or wrong, just because they don't share the same sentiments as yourself.
Discussion is healthy and gives members differing viewpoints when reading the boards, please keep things civil.

Thank you for taking the time to read these rules


AS Owners Forum:
Site Admin
Site Admin


Posts : 1252
Joined : 2011-02-05

lindaann, Gyro1, Cheshirecheese, Tigerfish and RCBirmingham like this post

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