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2002 Symbol black panel

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2002 Symbol black panel Empty 2002 Symbol black panel

Post by fannyackerpan Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:19 am

Hi, The black decorative panel on the back of our Symbol has started letting water in via the screw holes. I think the seal has perished over time. I have the new sikaflex to reseal when we fit it back but the whole panel was also held in place which some sort of Mastic. The lengths of Mastic holding the panel are about the thickness of a finger. It does not look like the sort that is squeezed out of a tube gun. Also there is quite a large amount of it, 6 lengths of about 1 meter and 2 lengths of 1/2 meter Approx. Does anyone know what Mastic this might be? The Current mastic is white as it can't be seen once the panel is back in place.
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Joined : 2023-10-28
Location : North Devon
Auto-Sleeper Model : Symbol
Vehicle Year : 2002

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2002 Symbol black panel Empty Re: 2002 Symbol black panel

Post by IanH Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:56 am

A pic would help perhaps....

Is the bodywork behind the panel a continuous sheet, say, the steel side of the original van???

If so, apart from the screw holes it'll not matter that much what you use to reinstall the panel, Sikaflex would be perfect, whatever colour is best, black or white..

As to the screw holes, just put a blob on Sikaflex over them, dip the screw inĀ  some more, that should seal the screw holes


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2002 Symbol black panel Empty Re: 2002 Symbol black panel

Post by Roopert Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:31 pm

The original fixing mastic is probably what goes by the generic term "butyl tape", which is a type of mastic that's very similar in consistency to Blu-tak, but not blue! A/S used it quite extensively - commonly used to seal around windows as well.

The one advantage that it has over Sikaflex is that it has significant thickness/substance straight off the roll, so you can press against it and it will stick, instantly.

But... for overall durability/strength, Sikaflex (in one of the available grades) is almost certainly a better bet long-term.


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