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Old Grumpy ?

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Old Grumpy ? Empty Old Grumpy ?

Post by Mike23 Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:44 pm

Hi, Many years ago when young I was such a happy, jolly little soul (IMO), However, now old and wrinkly I seem to have morphed into a grumpy old git. Born in the early 40's I have seen this once great country deteriate with ever increasing rapidly in every aspect. Poor workmanship, poor service, weird behaviour and lack of common sense all seemingly  accepted as "normal". If you don't accept such poor standards it is yourself who is out of touch. Am I the only person to feel this way or have I become a unique caricature of Victor Meldrew. shrugg Regards

Last edited by Mike23 on Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Misspell)


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by rogerblack Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:21 pm

Some things are better, some are worse.

Many related to the interweb - e.g.:

back in the day, you wouldn't have had the opportunity to have such a good grump on here, you'd have had to go to the pub! (Better or worse?)

I've just saved a fortune by being able to look up a You-Tube video to help me repair and service our petrol lawn-mover, saving me probably about £60-80 quid based on what I paid last time for a 'professional' place to do it.

However, I've already spent most of that on stuff that I want but maybe don't need in online purchases.

Day to day realtime face-to-face interactions I find much as they were - folks round here are still generally friendly, mainly honest and quick to help anyone in difficulty. 

As for my own attitude - I feel much less anxious about many things than I did when I was young and trying to impress others, so probably now more self-assured. Been through many experiences so more confident in my ability to cope.   

I used to be known as Mr Curmudgeonly during my fairly stressful career. Since taking early retirement I definitely feel calmer and more laid back. 
Most of the time!

Last edited by rogerblack on Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)



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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Dave Gee Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:53 pm

Face to Face interactions Roger?  You're lucky, it's normally face to mobile screen and a text or Whatsapp, even when you are sitting in the same room as the person texting....

Too much reliance on technology these days, loyalty cards - on your mobile, money - don't be silly, on your mobile, I even heard a rumour that the Govt is considering doing away with paper and plastic driving licences and they will now be on your mobile as well.  Heaven help us if tinterweb goes down

Don't get me wrong, technology is a wonderful thing when used correctly but it's getting to the stage you don't need to get out of your chair to do anything, turn the TV on with a remote, turn the lights on with smart bulbs, I could go on but I'm turning into Mr. Meldrew myself here .....
Dave Gee
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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Mike23 Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:31 pm

Hi, Modern technology is brilliant and amazing , more so to the older generation who have seen it evolve. (Still remember , in the 60's,  one of the first computer games, a little white dot and two lines as "bats"). The trouble is technology has stopped people thinking for themselves as most information is available online. However, many people may be computer literate but are mentally illiterate, have little general knowledge and are incapable of  resolving simple problems, unable to even change a light bulb, hence the throwaway society, (most consumer goods, usually imported, have a built-in obsolescence anyway). Real skills and competence are  fast disappearing, Rare to find a real tradesman these days. Switch off or compromise the Internet and most of society will crumble. It will be the  hands on, self motivated, still capable of holding an intelligent conversation who will prevail.  Regards  scratch head


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by IanH Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:44 pm

AI isn't coming, It's here.That will make all above stone age in a decade.. confused3


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Mike23 Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:19 am

Hi, AI might be here, not much sign of any intelligence round here. Recently, Now unable to do what would have been simple jobs I now have to employ "tradesman". (Both on Checkeratrade) The first, when renewing my carport roof cuts it at least 6 ins short of the guttering with obvious results, My drive is on a slight slope and water pools at the lower end, When asked to put in a soakaway the second "tradesman" starts to put it at the top of the drive, you couldn't make it up. Last week I get an email from my local council regarding garden rubbish fees, the email gives a link to an online form to pay, When trying to do so, three times, it comes up email address not recognised. The same email address they had just sent me a message on. Try phone instead, Half an hour of recorded bumf and menu choices I get to speak to a human. This person who seemed unable to string two words together finally tells me their computer has problems. It is all so exasperating. I yearn for the days when life seemed far simpler. A simple phone call, an articulate human answers, problems resolved . Regards


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Dave 418 Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:27 am

Having worked on my own with occasional visits from a boss that waffled about targets and figures before disappearing into an ivory tower it was a huge shock to work directly with a younger generation just before I retired.
There were two apprentices with the modern mindset and attitude to work. One of them wasn’t too bad but the other one was determined to do as little as he could. They were both on fast track to management level. They would become management with no life skills or idea of how to deal with the work force under them.
The few trades people I have used in the past were genuine old school but sadly are long gone. As others I am finding DIY harder and dread finding some one that will do the jobs without treating me as an old fool that can be ripped off and talked down to.
I find it easier to let management deal with trades people. She has a way of saying no to people that stops them dead in here tracks.
Dave 418


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Dave 418 Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:06 pm

I have just witnessed some thing that defines logic. Our post persons park at the top of our street and split the deliveries between two guys. One of them is miserable sod that gets 4 & 9 mixed up. The other one is a happy guy that always says hello to muttly.
Today I had a medium sized parcel delivered by the happy one half an hour later the misery guts delivered a small package. shrugg
On my muttly walk I asked the happy posty why they couldn’t deliver both packages as one and he said misery guy only delivers packages below a certain size and weight because he only delivers letters. Also he did say he didn’t get any choice who he shares the round with.
Dave 418


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by IanH Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:36 pm

My last company pre retirement was Fugro, a Dutch survey company, I worked in the underwater engineering dep't.
Aberdeen Uni has relationships with many large engineering companies such as mine. The students have a 20 week summer break, they are allowed to approach these companies to apply for 20 week work experience.
One of my many secondary duties was these guys. They were interviewed in exactly the same way as any prospective employee, another work experience for them.
If successful they joined my department. I was adamant they weren't here just to paint shipping containers so were given a desk, a pc and Autodesk Inventor 3d cad. I gave them a task, a real task, something we wanted but hadn't time or resources to design.
They had 3 x 20 weeks with us, if either they wanted to come back or I wanted them to, in the last year of Uni we paid them for their 20 weeks, proviso being they came to us after graduation.
It worked really well and that's how we got all of our youngest designers, after 3 years, going to big meetings at the likes of BP or Shell etc they were ready to go on day 1 after grad.
One kid got a task to design and underwater camera which could go to -6000m. I wanted it to be the same size as a lipstick. He looked puzzled, under interrogation, cracked and admitted he didn't know what a lipstick looked like!!!!!! I pointed him at our scariest secretary!!
Worked real well, most are still there,some have gone on to bigger things, all did well, it pleased me to have this task and to deal with really good, bright youngsters, as we all were once!!


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Dbvwt Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:12 pm

Dave 418 wrote:I have just witnessed some thing that defines logic. Our post persons park at the top of our street and split the deliveries between two guys. One of them is miserable sod that gets 4 & 9 mixed up. The other one is a happy guy that always says hello to muttly.
Today I had a medium sized parcel delivered by the happy one half an hour later the misery guts delivered a small package. shrugg
On my muttly walk I asked the happy  posty why they couldn’t deliver both packages as one and he said misery guy only delivers packages below a certain size and weight because he only delivers letters. Also he did say he didn’t get any choice who he shares the round with.

After I left BT I was a part time Saturday postie for a few years. I understand your confusion but there was logic to the above.
2 of us went out in 1 van for obvious reasons, it wouldn’t make sense to give every postie a van. I was the driver and it was my job to also deliver all of the larger parcels on our round that wouldn’t fit in our bags of letters and small packages.
In an ideal world you would spot that there were 2 parcels for the same address but in practice you didn’t have the time to notice this back at the sorting office before deliveries commenced.
Hope that makes sense!


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Old Grumpy ? Empty Re: Old Grumpy ?

Post by Dave 418 Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:26 pm

It would be logical as you said to go round with the van first but I think its more a personal issue because the guy walked down our street with the parcel before going back to his van to start his round. 
The problem of not being able to sort a 4 and a 9 is down to him. A letter with a typed address 19 comes through our door,14. When I pointed this out he just grunted and told me to pass it on to number 19. I am sure he is one of the people who hates his job but cant be bothered to find another one.
Dave 418


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