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bourbon alarm fault

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bourbon alarm fault Empty bourbon alarm fault

Post by Philip Garrod Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:59 am

Has anyone else had this problem?
After centrally locking my 2020 Bourton with key fob, a few minutes later the habitation door
unlocks, and the light over the door comes on for about 60 seconds.
Roughly an hour, or any time after that a loud beeping alarm goes off and a warning screen lights
up on the control panel indicating that the vehicle battery is very low, which, according to the
battery level screen, it isn’t.
You can only imagine how annoying this is especially when it wakes you up about midnight!
Besides that, it isn’t safe to leave it unoccupied and go off anywhere.
I have taken the Bourton back to Marquis where I purchased the it, and they haven’t managed to
sort it out yet with Sargent, who provide the security system for Mercedes, the base unit.
Mercedes have done an update but it hasn’t resolved the problem.
Has anyone any ideas or useful suggestions?
Philip Garrod
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bourbon alarm fault Empty Re: bourbon alarm fault

Post by FreelanderUK Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:18 pm



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bourbon alarm fault Empty Re: bourbon alarm fault

Post by Peter Brown Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:45 pm

There is loads on the forum about this but I'm not using the right words in the search box to find any of it, I'm sure someone with experience will find you.

The model of Sprinter you have proved to be incompatible with the converters electrical systems and caused severe problems with 2019/20 vans that was compounded by a software programming error made by Sargent.

I think I am correct in saying that the 'work around' that solved the problem was to disable central locking of the habitation door. That has the additional benefit of preventing the auto lock feature locking owners out of their van.
Peter Brown
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