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Nuevo battery electric spec.

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Nuevo battery electric spec.  Empty Nuevo battery electric spec.

Post by mikeelawson Sun May 07, 2023 8:58 am

I have looked through spec of new Motorhome but can’t seem to ascertain detailed electrical spec I.e. 

  1. is it MPPT
  2. b2b or VSR
  3. battery details, I am assuming BMS but not heating
  4. space to put additional battery, do they have to be same size
  5. ability to retrofit b2b and inverter (dependent on answer to 2 and 4

Anyone know




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Nuevo battery electric spec.  Empty Re: Nuevo battery electric spec.

Post by Peter Brown Sun May 07, 2023 10:20 am

The answers to your questions are vehicle (not model) specific but:

1. probably not
2. Neither, split charge relay
3. Lithium 60Ah no remote access or heating
4. ??
Peter Brown
Peter Brown


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Nuevo battery electric spec.  Empty Re: Nuevo battery electric spec.

Post by mikeelawson Sun May 07, 2023 3:40 pm

Peter Brown wrote:The answers to your questions are vehicle (not model) specific but:

1. probably not
2. Neither, split charge relay
3. Lithium 60Ah no remote access or heating
4. ??
New Model 2023 Autosleeper Nuevo Ek. 




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Nuevo battery electric spec.  Empty Re: Nuevo battery electric spec.

Post by Peter Brown Sun May 07, 2023 4:40 pm

As I said vehicle specific - you wont know what you've got unless you specify on order or take delivery of a vehicle.
Peter Brown
Peter Brown


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Nuevo battery electric spec.  Empty Re: Nuevo battery electric spec.

Post by mikeelawson Sun May 07, 2023 6:32 pm

Peter Brown wrote:As I said vehicle specific - you wont know what you've got unless you specify on order or take delivery of a vehicle.
The Nueovo EK are the Peugeot Boxster vans only the Automatics are Fiat. Surely a new model (2023) will be consistent with each other? 



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Nuevo battery electric spec.  Empty Re: Nuevo battery electric spec.

Post by Kemerton-bath Sun May 07, 2023 11:55 pm

Unfortunately AS are not good at identifying the habitation electrical system spec to that level of detail. They have subcontracted all design and production of the electrical installation to Sargent and appear to retain very little systems knowledge in house. 

One of the more recent effects of this has been a rather hapzard introduction of lithium habitation batteries without taking a systems approach, for example failing to appreciate the fact that smart alternators are fitted to most Euro 6 diesels now. Another weakness is poor use of solar. 

To compound the situation, AS regularly change what they fit in their vans, such that two outwardly identical models of the same year may have variations. You could ask a dealer but I doubt they would know the answers. A better bet would be to contact Sargent and ask them. 

Many owners on here have made modifications to their electrical systems, particularly on newer vans, mainly to improve harvesting of solar energy, achieve better off-grid capability, and to maintain batteries during winter layups. AS produce great vans, we’re on our 4th, but the reality is that they design them to be used on EHU for most of the time. 


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