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Nuevo shower draining to ground!

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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Heebson Thu May 04, 2023 5:56 pm

Just started a long trip and a neighbour pointed out we were leaking a lot of water onto the Aire parking spot. 

Turns out that one of the three drains in the Neuvo 2019 shower/toilet seem to be completely missing the run to the waste and emptying straight to the ground. 

It’s survivable with two other drains, but is there to sort sloping issues, so could be a prob. I’ve done plenty of diy plumbing at home, but I’m not seeing how to access underneath, as it’s an entirely sealed tray/floor. 

Has anyone had to solve similar (it’s the shower drain nearest the door, in case that makes a difference). 


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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Re: Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2023 7:50 pm

Its quite tight to get your hands in where the pipes go into the waste tank, the pipes are push fit, I added jubilee clips to them to keep them secure.

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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Re: Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Molly3 Thu May 04, 2023 8:18 pm

Could be an idea to check floor for damp in case water is running under the vynal floor covering .


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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Re: Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Heebson Thu May 04, 2023 9:45 pm

Caslon wrote:It’s quite tight to get your hands in where the pipes go into the waste tank, the pipes are push fit, I added jubilee clips to them to keep them secure.

So can you get your hands up onto the fittings from underneath the van?

Unfortunately I have inherited my grandad’s navvie’s hands. Might need to coax my better half into some diy if it’s that tight!

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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Re: Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2023 10:45 pm

yes, I could, but was very tight, you can see, the pipes, may just have some off. or the tank maybe full and running out of the breather on the top.

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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Re: Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Heebson Wed Jul 12, 2023 5:53 pm

Just to close this off for future readers, I got under the van and was fairly astonished to see that yes indeed, it was just a fitting that came loose and could be pushed back in.

The waste tank has a series of connection points for the various drains and unbelievably, they are just pushed on - but push-fit plumbing this is not! The lack of jubilee clips actually made me wonder if there was a reason why not?

(A second thought was ‘how on earth can this be considered “winterised”’. Those pipes are gonna freeze, tank heaters or not!)

Thanks for you help

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Auto-Sleeper Model : Neuvo
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Nuevo shower draining to ground! Empty Re: Nuevo shower draining to ground!

Post by Caraman Wed Jul 12, 2023 6:12 pm

Heebson wrote:...
(A second thought was ‘how on earth can this be considered “winterised”’. Those pipes are gonna freeze, tank heaters or not!)

Thanks for you help
Having done a bit of a deep dive on tank heaters, I have come to the conclusion that there is no point having or using a wastewater tank heater unless a drain pipe heater is also fitted, at least this is what Ultraheat in the US think who manufacture the UK's Tankblanket:

If there is any risk of freezing it makes sense to leave the drain tap open with a bucket under it so that the relatively warm wastewater passes through the tank and pipes before it has time to freeze.  That said, as you have discovered, the rear corner shower drain pipe has a U bend in it where it curls around the chassis.  The wastewater held in this U bend may freeze in very cold conditions but the other two drains should be OK so it should still be possible to use the shower and the warm wastewater may eventually thaw the U bend out.

The lack of a drain pipe heater is less of a problem for the freshwater tank because water can be pumped out of the tank.

The tank heaters on my 2019 Nuevo had been incorrectly wired which meant that if the wastewater tank was empty, the freshwater tank heater didn't work even its CP button was lit. If you think you are ever going to use your tank heaters, you should check this out.


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Location : SALISBURY
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