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Rooflight issue

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Rooflight issue Empty Rooflight issue

Post by joeirish Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:35 am

The winding mechanism on the big Remis rooflight on our AS Broadway EK has gone kaput. I think it has stripped the gears but it will not lock closed anymore and only partly opens. Then the handle just goes round with sound of slilpping gears and nothing happens after it partially opens. Also while investigating this when in Spain (great van cleaning place in Evlez Malage with a large moveable ladder to easily get the roof clean or check rooflight etc) I managed to crack the cover at one of the hinges. Luckily the crack it outside the surround so no water gets into the van when it rains. I've seen other threads about repairing the mechanism but also that the design is basically weak. So my question is should I replace with a Heki instead of trying to get the Remis repaired. Has anybody done this? I believe that the Heki fits the same opening. To complicate matters I live in Ireland so can't easily find anybody to repair the Remis rooflight. I've looked at some youtube videos on repairing and although I could do this myslef it does seem really tricky.


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Joined : 2018-09-04
Location : West Ireland
Auto-Sleeper Model : Broadway
Vehicle Year : 2013

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Rooflight issue Empty Re: Rooflight issue

Post by Kemerton-bath Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:25 pm

I’ll qualify my remarks by saying I haven’t replaced the gearing and winding mechanism on a Remis. However I have replaced a 750x500 Remis dome, which was a straightforward process and helped by easy-to-follow instructions.

Leisureshopdirect carry a comprehensive range of Remis parts and given how easy it is to break the gearing mechanism, they maybe able to offer advice on which parts you need and supply you with instructions before you purchase so you can judge whether it’s feasible for you to carry out a repair.

I would expect the repair option to be more straightforward than replacing the whole roof vent with a Dometic version. That’s assuming the damage to the dome you mention isn’t structural.


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Rooflight issue Empty Re: Rooflight issue

Post by Molly3 Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:45 pm

The lifting mechanism is available the the dome is not so complete skylight is needed , to fit a dometic the roof hole would have to be inlarged , I had to have a new one fitted last year , I was quoted 3 months delivery , I used autosleeper parts they were the cheapest and also the best place for information and were very helpful , their is a problem with delivery many get smashed in transit autosleeper deliverd mine free to my nearest marquise dealer or collect from autosleeper, 300 mile trip for me , autosleeper parts is the way to go ,


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