The Auto-Sleeper Motorhome Owners Forum (ASOF)
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Correct Forum Sections

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Correct Forum Sections Empty Correct Forum Sections

Post by Admin Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:46 am

Can members please ensure they are posting questions in the correct sections of the forum, in the last 24hrs I’ve had to move a number of posts that are inconsiderately posted ie: items for sale in dedicated Motorhome sections etc rather than in the classifieds. 

Also questions in incorrect sections like the introductory section which is for people to welcome one another, In stead of members pointing out this error they go on to reply and a thread is then created which has to be dealt with. Please be a bit more thoughtful where you post, it’s really not that hard to grasp & results in unnecessary time and effort in correcting. 

Thanks Admin.

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Correct Forum Sections Empty Re: Correct Forum Sections

Post by Admin Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:06 pm

Members are still posting in inappropriate forum sections. 

Please can I request before you post a question or topic of discussion that you browse through the forum sections and consider which section suits your query or topic of conversation best before posting, rather than just post it in the first section you come to regardless, not only does this keep the forum tidy and on topic, but this saves myself the time and inconvenience moving topics that have been incorrectly posted.

My free time these days is very sparse as I now work full time and have many other commitments. As the forum is self financed solely by myself, along with literally just a handful of donations we get each year (which go straight back into the forum running costs) Members posting in the correct sections, along with members raising awareness of this to offenders posting incorrectly would help greatly and will hopefully reduce this issue. 


Best Regards and a Happy New Year to all

AS Owners Forum:
Site Admin
Site Admin


Posts : 1254
Joined : 2011-02-05

Lorriane, Peter Parkes, Newvo, Ged, MelB and Bilbobaggins like this post

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