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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Empty Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

Post by bonnie Sun Oct 15, 2023 5:25 pm

Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you can advise.  I don't really understand much about the electrical stuff, so please be kind.
Autosleeper Suffolk, 2011.  For various reasons the van has only been out once this season .    It is plugged into home electric system, and power is getting to vehicle.  The EHU is switched on about 2 days a week to keep batteries topped up,  but I think someone has unplugged it without me noticing.
The vehicle battery is flat, and I guess it is dead.  The leisure battery seems fine.
When I press the battery button on the control panel by the van door, it beeps twice but doesn't switch on for either leisure battery or vehicle battery..   I don't know whether this is just because the vehicle battery is flat, or if there is a problem with the charging system.   I'm guessing I need a new battery, but would this fix the problem?
I'll add photos of the control panels, if I can work oSuffolk vehicle battery not charging Img_8713[url=]Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Img_8713[/url]ut how to do Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Img_8713that.
Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Img_8710
Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Img_8711
Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Img_8712


Posts : 89
Joined : 2011-08-01
Location : north worcestershire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Suffolk
Vehicle Year : 2011

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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Empty Re: Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

Post by bonnie Sun Oct 15, 2023 5:26 pm

duplicate pics because I was having trouble uploading, then unable to remove duplicates!


Posts : 89
Joined : 2011-08-01
Location : north worcestershire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Suffolk
Vehicle Year : 2011

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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Empty Re: Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

Post by PLOUGHLIN Sun Oct 15, 2023 6:05 pm

Lesuire battery shows on charge. Vehicle battery at 1.5v, EC325 won't switch at that voltage. Try a separate  smart charge direct on the VB.

To remove duplicates click on Edit (top right), then click on picture and then delete on keyboard.

Peter L


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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Empty Re: Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

Post by brains Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:40 am

Have you got breakdown cover at home? Get them to jump start van.



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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Empty Re: Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

Post by bonnie Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:08 am

Had the AA out yesterday and he jump started the van . I’ve always found them very helpful and pleasant. Battery looking poor, but now on a smart charger, so will see what happens. ( not a lot so far!). Fingers crossed.


Posts : 89
Joined : 2011-08-01
Location : north worcestershire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Suffolk
Vehicle Year : 2011

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Suffolk vehicle battery not charging Empty Re: Suffolk vehicle battery not charging

Post by Guest Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:08 am

Take the battery off and take to Halfords or garage for a load test..think a new battery is 6 month old battery was reading 13.7 but when I switched the pump on all the lights pump etc stopped working.  The draw from the pump was too much.  I got an auto elec to check various things and the end result was a dead battery, because it was only 6 months old I had ruled it out. Reading 13.7 because it was topped up by the solar and alternator when driving so testing across the terminal’s it read ok, it’s battery health was 1%..dead..hope this helps.

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