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Folding door step for motorhome

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Folding door step for motorhome Empty Folding door step for motorhome

Post by Boggie Fri 1 Sep 2023 - 17:02

I have been looking for a folding 2-step  to place outside the door of our Bourton to make getting in and out easier. Looking at the usual caravan/MOHO suppliers the one by Kampa seems to be the one of the best , but at £70 to £75 plus it is quite expensive.

Then I had a look on the ONBUY website ( where I bought my new mobile phone last year. They had a listing from a company called Eazygoods which is exactly the same as the Kampa item, but at £44.95 including next day delivery by DPD

It arrived today just in time for our trip to France after the weekend. Very well made, good quality finish and identical to Kampa for a lot less.
If you are in the market for an external step, look them up. Photo below, make up your own mind.
Cheers, Boggie
Folding door step for motorhome S-l1600


Posts : 80
Joined : 2020-10-26
Location : Oldcotes, Nottinghamshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2019

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