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Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo

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Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo Empty Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo

Post by KeithNB Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:25 pm


We are looking to buy either a 2006 or a 2008 Neuvo in the next couple of weeks and as I use a CPAP machine at night, would like to add a second leisure battery.
I understand the battery is under the driver seat and a bit of a pain to get at.
Would it be easy enough to move under the driver side rear bench seat and should I invest in 2 new identical batteries rather than use the old one and add a second?


Posts : 23
Joined : 2023-08-16
Location : Birchington-on-Sea
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo
Vehicle Year : 2008

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Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo Empty Re: Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo

Post by Roopert Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:15 pm

When it comes to details like this, it probably makes sense to wait until you actually have the van and can measure up the actual space.

It's not always helpful to theorise, because there are a couple of reasons why you might find it differs from what you expect. Firstly, A/S varied their installations at the factory quite a lot over the years depending on what third-party parts came into and went out of production, and secondly a previous owner may have altered things anyway.

I did some of this theorising with my last van (a Celex) and found that some of things that I had planned to fit simply wouldn't go in when I actually got the van!


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Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo Empty Re: Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo

Post by Kdc Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:08 pm

KeithNB……If you do decide to fit second battery best get two identical new rather than parallel new with old. A failed or failing battery will drag down the other.


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Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo Empty Re: Adding Second Leisure Battery to a Nuevo

Post by Pieface Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:28 am

I installed a separate additional 130 amp hour leisure battery in our Nuevo under the bench seat behind the drivers seat. This new second battery is connected to solar. I then connected this new battery in parallel with 4 mm solar wire that I had left over from the solar install. I have however fitted a 15 amp breaker that can be used easily to separate the two systems. While driving I have the two systems isolated but if parked up off grid I tie both batteries together by a simple flick of the switch on the isolator.

I am not worried about the different battery thing but mine are obviously both 12 volt lead acid. Tanya batteries on eBay will sell you a 130 amp hour leisure battery delivered next day for £85

You can only fit a max of 80 am hour under the drivers seat cos of space and 2 @ 80 is not a lot in total


Posts : 25
Joined : 2023-08-10
Location : U.K.
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo
Vehicle Year : 2004

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