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Mercedes bourton sat nav

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Mercedes bourton sat nav Empty Mercedes bourton sat nav

Post by Mollytardis Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:20 pm

Appologies if covered.  Have a bourton 21 year, the onboard geo sat nav is out by two /three miles in Italy and France. It got me in a farmers field in Turin, and the middle of a lake in France. Thank god had my old avtex camper which is perfect. Any comments. Thanks.


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Joined : 2021-08-09
Location : Seaford, East Sussex
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2021

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Mercedes bourton sat nav Empty Re: Mercedes bourton sat nav

Post by Roopert Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:39 pm

Is it inaccurate all of the time or only intermittently? If the latter it may be that something else in the van is interfering with GPS reception.

If it's consistently inaccurate, one possibility is that you need to change the map datum. It sounds unlikely, but you do get this effect if the geodetic datum is intended for the UK - they can get quite inaccurate if you go outside of their normal range of accuracy. I think WGS84 is the most commonly used datum, but there are others - is there a setting for this in the setup options?

I don't understand the details in full (or anywhere near), but as I recall, the geodetic datum is what is used to convert a grid based map reference so that it matches the weird shape of the earth's surface (it being an oblate spheroid rather than a simple sphere).

[To those who care - yes, there was some Google Thinking involved in the above reply!]


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Mercedes bourton sat nav Empty Re: Mercedes bourton sat nav

Post by Mollytardis Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:53 pm

I don't understand the out of england theory, my old sat nav did western europe accurately. I put in acsi sites geo cord as in book, consistantly is out by a couple of miles.


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Location : Seaford, East Sussex
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2021

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Mercedes bourton sat nav Empty Re: Mercedes bourton sat nav

Post by Roopert Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:35 pm

I'm really only stating my own personal experience when setting up a Garmin hand-held GPS receiver - it was configured to use a different map datum (because it was sold for the US market) and so was a significant distance out in the UK - I solved the problem by selecting OSGB instead of what it was supplied set to.


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Mercedes bourton sat nav Empty Re: Mercedes bourton sat nav

Post by Mollytardis Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:55 pm

Sorry, not having a go at you whatsoever, its just my frustration of getting it to where i want to go,and not being tech savvy with it.


Posts : 56
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Location : Seaford, East Sussex
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2021

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Mercedes bourton sat nav Empty Re: Mercedes bourton sat nav

Post by FreelanderUK Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:57 pm

Have you been in to the settings to see if you can reboot to realign the satellite signals or try a hard reboot , on Tomtom there used to be a setting to reboot the sat signal



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