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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by Relaxez-Vous Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:44 pm

I am being serious here, please everyone support the petition for our MPs to debate in Parliament what is essentially a power grab of the unelected undemocratic WHO over our UK sovereign powers. The WHO is based in Geneva are funded by Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They have diplomatic immunity, are unaccountable, and want control over peoples lives. If you value your freedom this is one small act you can take, so please vote for the petition.


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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Re: Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by Slow-Lane Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:10 am

Equally seriously, I am in favour of the WHO's efforts to control and respond to the international spread of disease. IHR 2005 is far from perfect; particularly problematic is the need to balance health security with international travel and trade (as South Africa discovered; dutifully reporting a new Omicron variant resulted in very over-reactive travel bans). Neither IHR 2005 nor the WHO are perfect (far from it). However, I am in favour of mechanisms that ensure individual states report diseases that can spread outside their borders and having an internationally agreed 'higher power' that enables and encourages them to do so is, in my opinion, a good thing and does not represent a 'power grab' of UK sovereignty.


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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Re: Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by FreelanderUK Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:51 am

Signed and shared up!



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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Re: Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by v8oholic Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:23 am

I have already signed that. Also, talking of unaccountability, a quango called Active Travel England is tasked with reducing car use by 50%. It will be able to meddle in all large planning applications. One of the senior figures is eternal scaremongering pessimist Chris Whitty, who is presumably unexpectedly a transport expert. I don’t remember voting for that. Or him. Or LTNs. Or low emission zones. Or any of the other examples of anti-car ideology that has never yet been proven to have a mandate, when uncoupled from all the other issues that make up party manifestos, at both local and national level.


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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Re: Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by Relaxez-Vous Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:46 pm

Slow-Lane wrote:Equally seriously, I am in favour of the WHO's efforts to control and respond to the international spread of disease. IHR 2005 is far from perfect; particularly problematic is the need to balance health security with international travel and trade (as South Africa discovered; dutifully reporting a new Omicron variant resulted in very over-reactive travel bans). Neither IHR 2005 nor the WHO are perfect (far from it). However, I am in favour of mechanisms that ensure individual states report diseases that can spread outside their borders and having an internationally agreed 'higher power' that enables and encourages them to do so is, in my opinion, a good thing and does not represent a 'power grab' of UK sovereignty.

I hadn't meant to make any further references to the WHO, nevertheless I came across this piece about the WHO that I would like to share. Remember the general rule about people who raise objections, is to criticise the messenger, not their message. The little boy who piped up saying that the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes, in the current climate the boy would have been a labelled as a propagator of disinformation.


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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Re: Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by Slow-Lane Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:53 pm

Relaxez-Vous wrote:

I hadn't meant to make any further references to the WHO, nevertheless I came across this piece about the WHO that I would like to share. Remember the general rule about people who raise objections, is to criticise the messenger, not their message. The little boy who piped up saying that the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes, in the current climate the boy would have been a labelled as a propagator of disinformation.
I think Expose News could very well be labelled a propagator of disinformation. See 

This thread may be in danger of two 'grumpy old men' exchanging posts. Time to agree to differ?


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Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals Empty Re: Support petition MPs to debate WHO proposals

Post by Relaxez-Vous Sun Jun 04, 2023 6:15 pm

I'm slightly less concerned that I find that the petition has until October 3rd to garner the necessary 100K votes for a Parliamentary debate, what's wrong with us having democracy then? I did notice on the voting petition website that there has been some objection to the framing of the petition. There may be further developments in this direction there.

I look to Baroness Hallett in heading up the UK Covid inquiry uncovering things that others want to keep hidden from the public. I say bring it on.


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