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Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim

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Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim Empty Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim

Post by denbo Tue May 30, 2023 11:34 pm

Hi Folks

Discovered this friendly site last night when I was looking insurance for a year 2000 Talisman GX 4 berth Peugeot Boxer with 2.5 diesel engine.
I have always wanted one of these iconic vans but have never been able to afford one until now. I purchased this really nice example from a 93 year old retired lorry driver. I let my mechanic check it out yesterday, as it has a high mileage, (140k), he found that it was pulling to the left, which turned out to be a fractured track rod end and damaged front tyre, which were both replaced today and that there was a small oil leak. This would be typical of the mileage and I will be keeping my eye on that.

Anyway, I will be getting it tomorrow, when the insurace comes through and as a complete newbie, will take it to Co. Fermanagh for a run and weekend stay. The first thing I want to sort out is a reversing camera/sensors, as it will take a while to get used to the length of it but I will be asking about this in another forum.

Great to be here.


Posts : 28
Joined : 2023-05-30
Location : Ballinderry Upper, Lisburn N I
Auto-Sleeper Model : Talisman GX
Vehicle Year : 2000

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Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim Empty Re: Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim

Post by burlingtonboaby Wed May 31, 2023 6:04 am

Hi den bo
Welcome to the forum from Bridington,lovely part of the world you live in


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Member Age : 75
Location : Bridlington
Auto-Sleeper Model : Devon Firefly
Vehicle Year : 2018

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Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim Empty Re: Greetings from Lisburn Co.Antrim

Post by Dave Gee Wed May 31, 2023 6:38 am

Hi Denbo - welcome to the forum.
Dave Gee
Dave Gee


Posts : 1905
Joined : 2022-10-26
Location : North Lanarkshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Warwick XL
Vehicle Year : 2018

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