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Free camp room for Cotswold original awning

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Free camp room for Cotswold original awning Empty Free camp room for Cotswold original awning

Post by Guest Thu May 25, 2023 7:49 pm

I know it would be more suited to being in the parts for sale section, but possibly wouldn't be spotted by any Cotswold owners unless they were looking!
We still have our hardly used camp room with aluminium sections and heavy duty vinyl walls to fit around the awning and need to get rid of it due to moving house and not having a Cotswold any more.
Free to anyone who could use it if collected from near Carlise. Or we could meet up if it was anywhere near one of our future trips away.
I'm not sure if it will fit any other awnings as it was bought specifically, but quite possibly would.
It's heading for the recycling centre if not!

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Free camp room for Cotswold original awning Empty Free camp room for Cotswold original awning

Post by Guest Wed May 31, 2023 6:44 pm

This has now been passed onto another member, so no longer available.

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