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Roof vent over Luton

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Roof vent over Luton Empty Roof vent over Luton

Post by P Hoyland Sun May 14, 2023 10:30 am

Hello everyone,

Our 4 berth Nuevo has a vent over the Luton sleeping area, and when travelling at speed there is an intrusive whistling sound from the vent which can be stopped by pulling the concertina blind over the apperture. The air pressure then causes the fabric to suck upwards and distort. The vent cover is closed properly but I read in the instruction manual that there is provision for air flow in the closed position. I am concerned that about damage to the fabric cover. Has anyone else experienced this?

P Hoyland
P Hoyland


Posts : 18
Joined : 2023-05-03
Location : Benllech
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo
Vehicle Year : 2022

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Roof vent over Luton Empty Re: Roof vent over Luton

Post by Cymro Sun May 14, 2023 12:40 pm

I have the same Nuevo ES with a small window in the Luton. Nearly always, we leave the opaque roller blind closed. On the odd occasion when it's open, I can't say that I recall any whistling from it (amongst the other rattles and noises!). However, it may be the case that we don't hear the whistle because we always have the luton bed lowered, for storage. 

On my Clubman, the equivalent window did make an awful racket. I discovered from the Forum that there are two sorts: permanently ventilated and not-ventilated. I had the vent changed to the latter (as there was plenty of alternative sources of ventilation) and that cured the problem. It was wonderful to be able to drive in peace! 

It may be possible to do the same on the Nuevo. I suggest you ask your dealer.



Posts : 3709
Joined : 2011-06-05
Location : Caerdydd - Cardiff
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo ES
Vehicle Year : 2015

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