"Shredded Wheat"
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"Shredded Wheat"
Now look here ….. With all our modern technology (after all, we have supposedly put a man on the moon !!)
Isn’t it possible for Nestle to install an 'Anti-Dribble factor' into 'Shredded Wheat'
Brian …… wearing my bib
Isn’t it possible for Nestle to install an 'Anti-Dribble factor' into 'Shredded Wheat'
Brian …… wearing my bib
Old age is when your classmates are so Grey, Wrinkled and Bald that they don't recognize you
deckie- Donator
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Re: "Shredded Wheat"
C'mon now Brian, got to get your facts right, its not the shredded-wheat that dribbles, its the milk!!
If only someone can come up with 'no-dribble' milk
Remidy 1: eat it dry, drink the milk
Remidy 2: stuff it all in the liquidiser & drink the lot
Hope this helps.
I DO have to grow old, I DO NOT have to grow up!
modelman- Donator
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Re: "Shredded Wheat"
Thanks Modelman
Looks like its the Liquidiser from now on
Looks like its the Liquidiser from now on
Old age is when your classmates are so Grey, Wrinkled and Bald that they don't recognize you
deckie- Donator
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