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Haircuts... Empty Haircuts...

Post by groundhog Tue Jun 07, 2022 5:33 pm

Maybe my hair, what little of it is left was more akin to Henry Cole than Nat King Cole so thought it was time to get a trim. Man did I get my money's worth, are some of these young girls just trained to do one cut cos my ears are now bleddy freezing as is the back of my neck. Only asked for a trim and got a scalping, its not the first time, don't they listen or just not understand.
On the plus side my hat will fit better, it will grow back ( I hope) and it only cost 12 of your finest British quids..... hugegrins

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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Paulmold Tue Jun 07, 2022 5:41 pm

I haven't been to the barbers (sorry hairdressers) since pandemic began. Bought electric hair clippers off ebay and now other half does it, saved me a fortune.

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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by frederic Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:22 pm

Same here but beard is my job!!


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by roli Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:39 pm

Same here Senior Management has done a good job for years


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Askit Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:34 am

Snap, I've only seen hairdressers through their windows for over thirty years  snigger

Only problem is that I have to wash the bowl afterwards  hugegrins



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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by nuevoboy Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:51 am

If you look at the current TV presenters and most "celebrities" you'll notice that the current trend is for a definite short back and sides, the likes of which I haven't had since my Mum used to force me to one particular barbers when I was about 10.

Thankfully, I'm in the same fortunate position as the the last four gentlemen above, though like frederic, my beard is my domain. hairdryer


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Dave 418 Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:21 am

I go to a lady that our son recommended after the normal barbers seem to have disappeared here. She has her days of getting a bit carried away but mostly she doesn’t go daft and I get a sensible trim. Also she charges me at pensioner rate so that’s even better.
My Grandad used to take me to a barber in the village. He was a refugee whose family fled from somewhere in Eastern Europe during WW2. He was left behind because he was disabled. As a teenager he cut hair for the German Army working in the town were I was stationed. 
He came to England as a displaced person and worked for the Coop in Manchester as a barber until the Coop closed there barbers shops and he moved to the village and married a local lady. 
His disability meant he he couldn’t use one leg properly and rode a bike with one pedal and the other pedal had a strap to hold his foot on. 
 His English was a bit limited. He used to say” You want corporation cut”. My Grandad worked for Oldham bus corporation and always had the same crew cut. 
Sorry about the ramblings but Joe the barber was a legend in our village.
Dave 418


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Bilbobaggins Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:09 am

Quick run over with electric hair trimmer with no guide on it, done as required and one step away from shaved head. Been doin this for at least 15 years. Don't like the feel of long (more than 1cm) hair. Changed from student days when I had shoulder length hair and a fringe that came down below my nose if combed straight, then went through full beard phase in 80s and 90s. Clean shaven since late 90s, slaphead since early 2000s

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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by burlingtonboaby Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:19 am

6 mm buzz cut for me, beard gets a trim too,8 mm, unfortunately I look like a wild man during this trip. hugegrins


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Dave 418 Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:22 am

Whilst I am thinking about haircuts it brought to mind a couple of other related memories.
When  we were at junior school  there were a few of the kids with odd haircuts apart from the shaven heads because of head lice. Apparently one of mills had a guy that cuts the workers kids hair for beer money.
 The kids got a basin cut. Apparently he put a basin on the kids head and cut round it using hand clippers. From the end result I could tell what  mill there parents worked at. 
Before I joined the army I had a corporation cut but of course the first thing you had to do in training was get a haircut. We were marched to the barbers and anything outside the beret was cut. I had to march to the chair. Sit down. My name was ticked off the list .The I got  up and marched outside. To there thinking you had been to the barbers and sat down as per orders. Actually having a haircut was  was up to the barber. 
At one time in the army because of were I was working I was excused shaving and haircuts. When I went back to the unit after four months my boss didnt know me. I looked like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Dave 418


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:14 pm

My beard used to grow so fast that as I was "customer facing" at BA I had to shave twice a day (5 o'clock shadow used to show about midday). Eventually the skin would break down so I had dispensation at BA and in the TA to grow a "full beard". More than once when at another barracks some twit junior officer started to chew out about having a beard only to be pointed out that it couldn't have happened overnight so there might be a reason.

As a result my wife has never even seen me without a beard in 39 years married. Do it my self, no3 trim comb in the summer no4 in the winter. Only occasionally visit the barber, normally before a wedding or funeral.

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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Tinwheeler Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:58 pm

HairyFool wrote:My beard used to grow so fast that as I was "customer facing" at BA I had to shave twice a day (5 o'clock shadow used to show about midday). Eventually the skin would break down so I had dispensation at BA and in the TA to grow a "full beard". More than once when at another barracks some twit junior officer started to chew out about having a beard only to be pointed out that it couldn't have happened overnight so there might be a reason.

As a result my wife has never even seen me without a beard in 39 years married. Do it my self, no3 trim comb in the summer no4 in the winter. Only occasionally visit the barber, normally before a wedding or funeral.
Hence your username, I guess  smile!


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Haircuts... Empty Re: Haircuts...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:13 pm


My son also has a full beard except it hasn't been cut per se for a couple of years so is quite long. He works at Newquay Airport on the air traffic side covering radar, radio and lighting. During the G7 preparations he had to go and collect the RAF base commander for a meeting (as my son can cross the runway) When the commander was asking how would he know who was there to pick him up he was told to "look for the guy with a beard". The commander didn't think that was that helpful in todays fashions but he was told "No, he has a BEARD!"

The beard is a little overdue a trim and is very white.

Perhaps a bit more than a little overdue. Went to the Zoo yesterday and walking through was a little boy about 3-4 and his dad. Made me and the father crease when he said "look daddy, it's Santa" lol4 lol4

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