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Awning light

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Awning light Empty Awning light

Post by grahamsb Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:53 pm

Since new, my LED awning light has only worked intermittently. Most of the time it just has a dull glow. Has anyone else experienced this. The dealer has yet to come up with a solution. If it has to be replaced, how difficult is this?


Posts : 60
Joined : 2021-10-25
Location : Hampshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2022

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Awning light Empty Re: Awning light

Post by Dbvwt Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:00 pm

If it’s the same as mine it’s just fixed with screws, took me minutes to unscrew when I wanted to clean underneath.
Won’t the dealer be doing it though?
Edit.. just noticed you have a Stanton so probably a different light.


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Awning light Empty Re: Awning light

Post by grahamsb Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:07 pm

No external screws. I will have to look behind the control panel to see if any fixings are visible. 

The dealer is a 4 hour drive away from me, so often simpler to carry out work myself.

I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this on a new van. LEDs are supposed to have 1000s of hours of life, although not always the case in my experience. Of course, I have no way of knowing how much use it had while in stock with the dealer.


Posts : 60
Joined : 2021-10-25
Location : Hampshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2022

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