The Auto-Sleeper Motorhome Owners Forum (ASOF)
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Logged in members

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Logged in members Empty Logged in members

Post by Admin Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:57 am

Just thought we would advise members of changes we have made recently.

For security reasons, the forum uses an automatic log out system when members are inactive.

For example say if you popped off to put the kettle on, some of you may have noticed on your return that you appear offline, even though you thought you were still logged in.
So to counteract this annoyance we have changed the settings from 15 minutes to 40 minutes, so you will now remain online even if you pop to the toilet or make a cuppa unlike before.

Obviously as soon as you log out, (or you have been inactive for 40 mins) you will then appear offline just as before.

Hope this makes sense, and makes life a little easier for members up!


AS Owners Forum:
Site Admin
Site Admin


Posts : 1256
Joined : 2011-02-05

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Logged in members Empty Re: Logged in members

Post by Guest Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:35 am

I had noticed I'd been logged out, makes sense now.
thanks for the info


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