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Best laid plans of mice and women

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Best laid plans of mice and women Empty Best laid plans of mice and women

Post by Sally Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:18 pm

Back in February I gazed into my crystal ball and booked my first week away starting 12th April. So I was delighted when that was the start of the relaxation. 

So imagine my disappointment when yesterday, the C&CC rang me to say that the Boroughbridge site won’t now be opening on the 12th, due to ‘site developments’ still ongoing.  I said to her that I would have thought that being closed for 12 months, with then advance notice of the opening, gave plenty of time to get things ready. She replied “yes, you would have thought so”.

It’s a tad frustrating.


Posts : 1177
Joined : 2018-02-19
Location : Yorkshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Sussex Duo
Vehicle Year : 2011

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