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Is it me ?

willy eckerslike
Peter Brown
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Is it me ? Empty Is it me ?

Post by phillips Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:29 am

Is it me or what. Is it due to lockdown or has( Sir censored!) Lewis Hamilton lost the plot? innocent Stuart


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Bilbobaggins Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:33 pm

Why, what has he done? Don't follow F1 news

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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Peter Brown Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:55 pm

Bilbobaggins wrote:Why, what has he done? Don't follow F1 news

I Think you'll find it worth your time to read the article linked below in full.
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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Gromit Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:53 pm

The bigger idiots are those who even listen to him, let alone roll over and do his bidding.

Who the hell does he think he is!!!  shrugg

BTW - What is a "person of colour"? It is a nonsensical phrase dreamed up by the sort of pathetic individual who is constantly and deliberately determined to be offended by something - whatever it is.

What is wrong with "coloured person"? At least it makes sense, and I can't see how it can possibly be offensive to anyone however hard I try. 

If "coloured person" is offensive, then (by definition) so is "white person" - but there's never any consideration of that by the woke fanatics!!

Rant over. Got to take the dog for a walk now, and it's absolutely bloody freezing here. Think I'll wear my Covid mask, or the old sniffer will get frostbitten.  cold

P.S. Please nobody mention chest feeding, birthing parent or second biological parent!!!  (I presume "motherhood" must now become "birthing parenthood"!!!)

Stop the world, I want to get off!!!!

Last edited by Gromit on Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Paulmold Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:58 pm

Gromit wrote:The bigger idiots are those who even listen to him, let alone roll over and do his bidding.

Who the hell does he think he is!!!  shrugg

BTW - What is a "person of colour"? It is a nonsensical phrase dreamed up by the sort of pathetic individual who is constantly and deliberately determined to be offended by something - whatever it is.

What is wrong with "coloured person"? At least it makes sense, and I can't see how it can possibly be offensive to anyone however hard I try. 

If "coloured person" is offensive, then so is "white person" - but there's never a thought of that by the woke fanatics!!

Rant over. Got to take the dog for a walk now, and it's absolutely bloody freezing here. Think I'll wear my Covid mask, or the old sniffer will get frostbitten.  cold
For some reason Black is acceptable  but coloured is not, yet none are actually black., but various shades of brown.

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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by IanH Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:03 pm

phillips wrote:Is it me or what. Is it due to lockdown or has( Sir censored!) Lewis Hamilton lost the plot? innocent Stuart


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by bikeralw Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:06 pm

If you substituted White for Black here I doubt your feet would touch the ground before you were wearing striped overalls...


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by IanH Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:07 pm

Too good to waste,,,,,,,,,hope lots ARE offended!!
Hard hat now on..........
Came from another ex F/E

I woke up this morning to a thick coating of snow and I thought, I know, I'll make a snowman.
A passing feminist asked me why I didn’t make a snowwoman.
So, I made a snowwoman.
My feminist neighbour complained about the snowwoman’s voluptuous chest, saying it objectified snowwomen everywhere.

The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snowmen, instead.
The transgender man…woman…person asked why I didn’t just make one snowperson with detachable parts.

The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
I was being called a racist because the snow couple was white.
I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and to be more racially inclusive.
I was accused of using a black face on the snowman…person.

The Middle Eastern gent across the road demanded that the snowwoman be covered up.
The police arrived saying someone had been offended.
The feminist neighbour complained, again, that the broomstick of the snowwoman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
TV news crews from BBC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women. I replied, “Snowballs.” and am now called a sexist!
Far-left protesters offended by everything marched down the street, demanding I be arrested.
I'm crying into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman.

There is no moral to this story. It is what this world has become, because of a bunch of snowflakes


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Gromit Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:04 pm

Excellent Ian.  up! allthumbz

The real tragedy is that every instance quoted could be, and in several cases already has been, for real.

Can somebody explain why 99% of the "normal" (if that term is still allowed? shrugg ) population have to roll over and change their whole way of thinking, speaking and acting in society, just to placate the 1% or less of pathetic woke whingers!!!


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by IanH Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:10 pm

4 local pubs this neck of the woods, called THE BLACK BOY or the black boys, all going back to the days of Nelson
2 are having to change their names as the brewery is, frankly both stupid and scared, other 2 aren't I shall visit both when/if re-opened and congratulate them personally
Here's the Aylsham one.......
Is it me ? 2Q==


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Dbvwt Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:29 pm

Completely off topic Ian but I now know where Aylsham is!

When buying stuff from Screwfix and checking my local store for stock levels in Aylesbury, Aylsham always pops up second on the list. I’ve often wondered where it is but couldn’t be bothered to look.
On another coincidental note, South Walsham was on ‘Escape to the Country’ on Wednesday and I thought of you.
I guess you are not far away smile!


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by IanH Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:42 pm

You'd expect that wouldn't you, confused us when we first moved here too!
Actually 11.5 mls as a crow would fly a good 20 in the Volvo!!
Did my Apprenticeship near you at RAF Halton so know your neck of woods too!!
Is it me ? N_to_s10


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Dbvwt Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:10 pm

I think we’ve discussed Halton in the past??  Halton camp was a big part of my BT life for many years.

Better let the thread get back on topic before we reminisce too much about the good old days!


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Peter Brown Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:19 pm

Before you go, when I was posted to Stansted I use to go the the weekly dance at RAF Debden, at the time the base of the RAF policemen (and women). They were wild nights. Sweet, Bowie, etc.
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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by willy eckerslike Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:49 pm

Peter Brown wrote:Before you go, when I was posted to Stansted I use to go the the weekly dance at RAF Debden, at the time the base of the RAF policemen (and women).  They were wild nights.  Sweet, Bowie, etc.
Quite an apt post Peter. RAF policemen were always referred to as snowdrops (they had white tops to their hats)

Cheers, Willy
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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by groundhog Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:03 pm

Some here I know have worked in countries where the "non man of colour" was in the minority, I know I have. I don't remember anyone taking to the knee when we were addressed as "Hey whitey" or being called "European" when I am not.
Personally I prefer the description I heard from an American friend " reflectives and non reflectives" cuts out all the confusion.

As to Lewis I have no problem with him following his beliefs as long as it is not forced on others. 

I was once told by a Mr Patel, his real name, that I must think his ethnic appearance was superior to mine otherwise why would I spend hours on the beach sunbathing trying to look like him. Made me laugh at the time but would he be able to say that now.

Political correctness has become absurd in all walks of life.

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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by phillips Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:16 pm

Hi all Lewis man here, re Pubs I live in a village just out side Swansea, and our pub is and has always been called The Black Boy for for as long as I can remember, and even before that. Just waiting for the Wok lot to have a faint and go down on one knee. God  sensored1 help us all. Stuart


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by TeamRienza Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:18 pm

In my part of the world the population is 98. Something % white, so the current crop of programmes featuring darker people is a bit hard to get used to. I particularly look at adverts on ITV etc with wonderment. It certainly gives an impression of a dark majority in the UK, perhaps it is in London. 

What I do get annoyed about is that this diversity drive seems to be at the expense of other minorities. I am given to understand that the African ethnicity in the Uk comprises 3% yet other minorities with higher percentages seem to be overlooked. Rare to see Asian people who make up nearly 7% or Chinese 0.7% 

By all means be diverse, but get the representation right and respect the history (with all its faults) of the adopted country you live in wether 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation.



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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Gromit Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:05 pm

Very true Davy.

The figure quoted for black people in the UK is around 5%.

Thus if we want fair and true diversity, there should be no more than 1 in 20 black people in any situation, adverts, jobs, etc.. 

It's often far more than 50% black people in the adverts - and whenever a "random" sample of the population at large are interviewed on TV about anything at all, the disproportionate number of black people is painfully obvious.

In the opinion of several eminent figures commenting on the subject, this is likely to increase racism rather than diminish it, as "normal" people get more and more fed up with the sycophantic pandering to a very tiny, but highly vocal woke minority. That's worrying!!

Not that there is much racism in the vast majority of the population. We seem to be a very "colour blind" nation (and long may it remain so!) apart from the usual very tiny minority of ignorant cretins.


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Gromit Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:36 am

Duplicated post deleted.


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by bikeralw Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:00 am

Don't even get me started on the over-representation of the LGBTGIA+? community in the media, especially TV presenters.
I have no gripe with them whatsoever, but an alien in a far distant galaxy watching our TV transmissions must think they make up 50% of the earth's population..


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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Paulmold Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:54 am

bikeralw wrote:Don't even get me started on the over-representation of the LGBTGIA+? community in the media, especially TV presenters.
I have no gripe with them whatsoever, but an alien in a far distant galaxy watching our TV transmissions must think they make up 50% of the earth's population..
Adverts particularly,  same sex couples feature far more than their proportion of the population warrants.

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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by Cymro Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:32 pm

phillips wrote:Hi all Lewis man here, re Pubs I live in a village just out side Swansea, and our pub is and has always been called The Black Boy for for as long as I can remember, and even before that. Just waiting for the Wok lot to have a faint and go down on one knee. God  sensored1 help us all. Stuart

That pub, near Killay, I recall from my childhood [75+ years ago!] , when it had the same name as now. It was on the route to my grandparents, in Gorseinon and Gowerton.  Hope it stays unchangeded.... and open!



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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by groundhog Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:05 pm

I am also slightly mystified why an article on disability had to be presented by a lady in a wheelchair on the BBC this morning, Nicky Fox I believe her name. Was she chosen for her talent or her disability? Should we now see items on the Royal Mail presented by Postman Pat? scratch head

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Is it me ? Empty Re: Is it me ?

Post by rogerblack Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:08 pm

When I used to spend a lot of time in Heathfield, East Sussex we often used to eat and drink at the nearby Blackboys Inn.  

It will cause problems if the woke folk ever decide to rename it as gets its name from being in the village of . . . Blackboys!  

No doubt someday someone will come up with a loopy plan to rename the whole village.



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