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ASOF Shop to cease

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ASOF Shop to cease Empty ASOF Shop to cease

Post by Admin Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:42 pm

I’m sorry to report we will no longer be renewing our online shop domain. 
The cost to run the site to sell stickers & receive donations etc is just no longer viable.
The renewal is not due until March next year, so the shop will remain active until then. 
I just wanted to make members aware in advance. 

Anyone who is awaiting stickers please note there has been a delay due to a new batch 
that we received but rejected as the quality wasn't up to the standard of previous batches.
The new stickers will be with us shortly and any outstanding orders will be processed.


Ed (Admin)

AS Owners Forum:
Site Admin
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ASOF Shop to cease Empty Re: ASOF Shop to cease

Post by Cymro Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:26 am

Thanks, Ed, for letting us know that the shop will close next year.

Whilst that's a pity, I am much more concerned about the consequential ending of the facility to use the shop to make donations for keeping the Forum going.  I hope that an alternative mechanism can be put in place, so that those of us who value the Forum will still be able to show our support financially.

Keep up the good work!



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Location : Caerdydd - Cardiff
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo ES
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ASOF Shop to cease Empty Re: ASOF Shop to cease

Post by RogerThat Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:31 pm

I didn't even know there was a shop  scratch head

Donations could carry on via PayPal maybe?


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Joined : 2018-01-25
Location : North West
Auto-Sleeper Model : Stanway
Vehicle Year : 2018

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