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Insurance car and van

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Insurance car and van Empty Insurance car and van

Post by Heanorboy Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:58 pm

Last year changed the car and insurance premium increased a lot, year before changed van insurance increased a lot well we expect it don't we as the "new one" is worth quite a bit more than the old one if they have to pay out fair enuf.!!!!
So why does it go up every year when it is worth less now and even what it is worth the * Inappropriate Word * would never pay enough to get the same vehicle agin? AND AND you pay extra to protect your no claims and if you are unlucky enough to have a claim, of yes sir we are still giving you the same no claims bonus but because of the radio that got nicked and we paid you out £200 your basic premium had now tripled AND AND it will stay high cus yer a bad risk now for next 5 years AND AND even after that period it still doesn't bl**dy well come down AND AND  NO you now CANT protect yer NO CLAIMS unless you stop with us cus you have to declare your claim if you want to move SO THERE is either us going to rip yer off big time or some other insurance company

May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, the foresight to know where you are going, and the insight to know when you have gone too far


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Auto-Sleeper : Ex 2012 Dorset W
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Insurance car and van Empty Re: Insurance car and van

Post by bikeralw Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:21 pm

I had a similar argument when I had my renewal for both the car and van. No claims protected on both vehicles, but because I'd had a claim on the van the year before (a bodywork repair after colliding at walking pace with a hidden tree branch) both premiums went up by 150%.. I calculate that if I stay with the same company for three more years I will have paid more in increased premiums than what the repair cost the insurance company!
They used to say anything less than £600 worth of damage and it's not worth involving the insurance company. I recon that amount can be doubled these days.


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