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Brexit means Brexit

daisy mae
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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by daisy mae Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:31 pm

What the blazes is the matter with you,? we need someone like Boris to shake this country up.
I voted to leave and the sooner the better, if it had gone the other way, the referendum that is , would  the leavers  have wanted another, it is called democracy, perhaps you have never heard of that. 

I have never heard of such a load of claptrap as your post expresses. 

Never heard  of Sir Winston Churchill I take it.? this country needs optimism and to  get going again, it is the likes of your attitude is why we are where we are  three years down the line rather than where we  should be.out.

Get over it .

Last edited by daisy mae on Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : letter missing)

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by landyman Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:58 am

The majority voted brexit.
If you cant cope with that fact then move abroad.


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by groundhog Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:55 am

John and Maggie, it sounds as though you have great experience of International business and as such I very much respect your point of view, would you mind enlightening of this experience as it would surely add weight to your argument?

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Cymro Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:57 am

What an entertaining thread! Do keep it up. It'll shorten the winter.



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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Kemerton-bath Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:24 am

Enough already!  I surely can’t be alone in thinking that political discussion has no place in a motorhome forum?  It won’t end well and it’s not as if there’s a shortage of other outlets for this sort of stuff.  

Will the next Moderator to come along please take it down?  There’s enough summer madness as it is, let’s not have it on here as well!  Get out there and enjoy your motorhomes.

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by rogerblack Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:26 am

Kemerton-bath wrote:Enough already!  I surely can’t be alone in thinking that political discussion has no place in a motorhome forum?  It won’t end well and it’s not as if there’s a shortage of other outlets for this sort of stuff.  

Will the next Moderator to come along please take it down?  There’s enough summer madness as it is, let’s not have it on here as well!  Get out there and enjoy your motorhomes.
Hear, hear!   allthumbz



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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by bikeralw Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:54 am

I agree this thread will never end well, but the clue is in the topic title, we don't have to read it.


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by rogerblack Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:44 pm

bikeralw wrote:I agree this thread will never end well, but the clue is in the topic title, we don't have to read it.
You're right, of course, Al.  But curiosity kind of sucks you in to read it!  Maybe I just need to learn to exercise more self control - I've managed to resist posting my views on the actual subject so far.

Unfortunately, as we had already discovered in Scotland, referendums (referenda?) are by definition divisive, particularly when the split between sides is fairly close so discussion inevitably becomes polarised.

I vigorously argue my point of view on relevant political platforms but like many on whichever side, I've become sick of it dragging on and on. So I seek escape on forums relating to my non-political interests and hobbies, like this one, and would hate for them to become tainted.

Just my view, however, and I respect the rights of those of different opinions to air them as they deem appropriate, so I'll shut up and try now to resist this thread.  But as Oscar Wilde said, I can resist anything but temptation . . . rolleyes  greetings



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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Tinwheeler Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:01 pm

It’s the insults and total disrespect for anyone else's point of view that make me want to hit the report button but I see someone else got there first. Oh, well…


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Gromit Sat Jul 27, 2019 4:32 pm

Tinwheeler wrote:It’s the insults and total disrespect for anyone else's point of view that make me want to hit the report button but I see someone else got there first. Oh, well…
It wasn't me Tinwheeler, but I agree entirely with your comments so it could have been.

Staggering arrogance and self importance that achieves nothing other than to anger and inflame.

Now I think of it, isn't that a pretty good description of a Troll?


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Tinwheeler Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:06 pm

Gromit wrote:
Tinwheeler wrote:It’s the insults and total disrespect for anyone else's point of view that make me want to hit the report button but I see someone else got there first. Oh, well…
It wasn't me Tinwheeler, but I agree entirely with your comments so it could have been.

Staggering arrogance and self importance that achieves nothing other than to anger and inflame.

Now I think of it, isn't that a pretty good description of a Troll?

As long as somebody did it, that’s all that matters. 

Funnily enough, the T word was on the tip of my tongue. Intended disruption sums it up.


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by CC Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:46 pm

Hi “John&Maggie”

I’m not quite sure what your problem is, but if you are just here to rub people up the wrong way I suggest you just delete your account and take your dribble elsewhere. As has already been suggested by others your behaviour and comments are a good indicator or warning sign of a troll. 

Most members here are partial to a bit of light hearted banter, but naming and personally attacking members with your extremely ‘personal views’ is really not on. Can I request you refrain from the pointless, rather silly and lengthy posts regarding your biased view of the E.U. and Brexit please, we are not used to irrational rants like this here. Find a Brexit related forum elsewhere if this is (as it seems) your sole desire. 

I also have absolutely no idea what point you are trying to make regarding my signature, not that I actually care, I just find it very bizarre along with your senseless comments regarding Paul. 

If you wish to remain part of this community and participate in friendly discussion with our super members then you are more than welcome, but if you are just here to cause division (think very carefully what you say herein) then don’t be surprised if your account is removed permanently, which we only do as a last resort and get absolutely no pleasure in doing.


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by groundhog Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:56 pm

Kemerton-bath wrote:Enough already!  I surely can’t be alone in thinking that political discussion has no place in a motorhome forum?  It won’t end well and it’s not as if there’s a shortage of other outlets for this sort of stuff.  

Will the next Moderator to come along please take it down?  There’s enough summer madness as it is, let’s not have it on here as well!  Get out there and enjoy your motorhomes.

With respect, what gives one member the right to deny others the freedom to discuss any topic they wish, there is no obligation to participate or even open this thread it is clearly marked what it contains. 
I hope the mods do not decide to take it down.
I have asked John & Maggie a perfectly reasonable and legitimate question in what experience they have of international business and European affairs to qualify the statements they have made, no malice, no rudeness and nothing contentious.
With that information I can compare it with my own experience and come to a conclusion via the medium of reasonable debate, if not on an open forum by PM if necessary. I find the whole matter of Brexit fascinating, relevant and not every topic here relates to motorhomes, it would be a very boring place if it did.
They may care to answer this question or may indeed be a troll but without that knowledge who am I to cast aspersions on there opinions.

With regard to daisy mae's comments in my opinion how right you are. The UK needs a kick up the pants, some progressive planning and to change its lethargic attitude. Imagine if 70 years ago when the Prime Minister was told "They have 3000 combat aircraft Sir and we have 650 fighters plus Ginger's sopwith camel" he turned his back and said "That is way to difficult, better give them what they want." Heavens above we would all be driving Hymers!!

Why do the popular press and opponents of the Government insist on trying to derail the train even before the driver has started the engine, must be a modern British thing.Boris is in the style of Trump, you may not like him but have you seen what Trump has done for the US economy, he may not always get it right but then as the saying goes "The man that never made a mistake never made anything" If he fails then vote BoJo out but come on back him whilst he makes the effort, support you Country don't destroy it.

The bureaucrats of Brussels know full well that if they allow the UK to leave with a great deal then many other members will also be knocking at the door so that is why they are scared witless to do so. The UK is therefore controlled by the very power she voted to reject. If the UK cannot get an acceptable deal by the due date then it must leave the EU 'deal or no deal'. That is what has been democratically voted for. Sure it will cause short term disruption but there are no problems only opportunities.

Second referendum, why not make it best of three and don't whinge you didn't know the first time round what you were voting for, if you didn't you should have stayed at home and left it to those that did.
Reverse the decision, that is not very democratic is it.

So there you have it UK, look forward and outward, show a bit of can do spirit and the UK or what is left of it will go great places....

and please don't deport me back to Canada for writing this! up!

Last edited by groundhog on Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : missing word...out!)

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by CC Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:11 pm

Hi Groundhog you make some valid points.

It will only be taken down if the divisive behaviour of John&Maggie continues... it’s fine to debate, but when it becomes personal then it just creates a bad atmosphere. 

The forum has suffered enough as it is over recent months, without it becoming any more unpleasant. CC

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by groundhog Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:20 pm

With you there CC!
To me personal comment like that just debases the perpetrator and is simply not warranted. Thanks for keeping the thread open let's hope for some intelligent and considered comment.

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Gromit Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:58 pm

CC wrote:The forum has suffered enough as it is over recent months, without it becoming any more unpleasant. CC
Quite so!!


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Kemerton-bath Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:17 pm

CC - thanks for taking the stand you have, well said.

Groundhog - I'm possibly missing something but I still fail to see the attraction of giving airtime to the politics of such a divisive topic as Brexit on what is, by definition, a leisure-pursuit forum.  We're bombarded with it on all fronts, so I had hoped this might be a safe refuge from all the madness.

Whatever, I don't intend adding further to the thread and will pass it by in future.  The forum's core business of the MH lifestyle is happily a lot less contentious - for the most part!


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by groundhog Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:00 pm

With respect

We are clearly on a different page, or, maybe a different planet. I thank you for answering my question so concisely.

I am afraid I do not agree with any of the sentiments you have expressed regarding Brexit, share none of your views expressed in the PM you sent me regarding the mods, in fact we are so far apart there is little point in any further discussion.

Enjoy your Lancashire and wherever your travels take you.

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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Mrgeoffrey Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:19 pm

I have no intention of joining a debate on brexit  at this stage, there seems little point as the vote has taken place and for the time being we will not be voting again, but if experience in engineering and business counts for anything I note a chap called Dyson who has had a modicum of success takes a contrary view to John and Maggie


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Askit Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:18 am

Mrgeoffrey wrote:I have no intention of joining a debate on brexit  at this stage, there seems little point as the vote has taken place and for the time being we will not be voting again, but if experience in engineering and business counts for anything I note a chap called Dyson who has had a modicum of success takes a contrary view to John and Maggie

Yes, and so enthused by Brexit that he's leaving the Uk to live in Singapore after buying one of the most expensive houses on the island  Whistle1



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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by Roopert Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:12 pm

...having already moved some if not all of his production outside the UK already - mostly to Singapore, where his cars are due to be manufactured too. Design is said to still be done in the UK, but if he's already jumped ship, how long will that last?


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Brexit means Brexit  - Page 2 Empty Re: Brexit means Brexit

Post by groundhog Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:35 pm

Dyson is a known supporter of Brexit though accused of hypocrisy for leaving the UK. His electric vehicles will be sold worldwide and the US for example will be a major market. The EU has no trade deal with the US. Why wouldn't he move production to somewhere cheaper and potentially with better trade connections.

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