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Levelling ramps

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Levelling ramps Empty Levelling ramps

Post by orion john Sat May 11, 2013 10:32 pm

I am a "new" A/S Motorhome user and will be going onto some sites this year that have been described as "slightly sloping".
How important is it to try and get your Motorhome level and what experiences have members had of the different types of levelling ramps, as there appears to be the"straight" Fiamma type and the "stepped" Milenco type - any rcommendations please??
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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dutto Sat May 11, 2013 11:48 pm

Hi there,

In a nutshell "Very Important" to be reasonably level.

The main reasons are:

o The van has to be level for the fridge to work.

o Sleeping on a slope can be a real pain as you slide up, down or off the bed!

o Not everyone is happy going to the toilet at an angle; and that includes old sailors like me!

o Cooking can be a real challenge, especially if you are trying to fry something!

We use the Fiamma three-step model seen here

Hope this helps. allthumbz

Best regards,

Dutto - Living more in hope than expectation; and seldom disappointed!


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Levelling ramps Empty re level ramps

Post by Harper22 Sun May 12, 2013 9:44 am

I had some small yellow fiamma ones that didn't do much with the size of the van but "holly" had some Thule stepped ones bought her for xmas and I have to say they are amazing :-) highly recommend them up!


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Paulmold Sun May 12, 2013 9:59 am

Orion John,

Please take a minute to say hello here...

I also use the three step Fiamma ones but I think the Millenco 3-step or 4-step ones are more positive in the wheel location at the different levels.


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Tommy-Darcy Wed May 15, 2013 8:18 pm

To conserve on space I went for single straight ramp type, and must say they are not brilliant. Had space not been an issue I would have gone for the 3 step Millenco type. So as a consequence we try to avoid sites that state "Part Sloping" as if the site owners have admitted this we will never be level on our meagre ramps tap_fingers

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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Enn Thu May 16, 2013 12:39 pm

We use the three step ramps and so far found them fine, even placing half paving slabs, supplied by one site owner, to raise the front up further.
What I find annoying is when our AS is parked on a perfectly flat surface the van still requires the ramps to lift the front up to be level. If I could raise the front suspension easily I would - do others have this problem?



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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by mgm Sun May 19, 2013 7:53 pm

... one of the most important lessons we learnt with our old VW camper and level-ness was that the fridge operated at best when the van was level when we didn't have electric hook-up.



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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by dencol Sun May 19, 2013 8:29 pm

To be honest I'm not over careful about the van being level. The handbook states that the fridge in the Dorset is tolerant of slight variations in levels and I've found this to be true. As long as my first glass of wine does not spill I go with it hugegrins

Seriously everyone is different, at first we would always level the van, over time we found what was acceptable or not in the way of a slight slope.

I have fimma type straight ramps that work ok, but if I was to change I would go for something bit wider as unless I get the wheels exactly straight they can overhang the sides slightly. I also use a set of chocks behind the wheels. Bit of a belt and braces approach.



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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by mgm Sun May 19, 2013 8:40 pm

dencol wrote:To be honest I'm not over careful about the van being level. The handbook states that the fridge in the Dorset is tolerant of slight variations in levels and I've found this to be true. As long as my first glass of wine does not spill I go with it hugegrins

Seriously everyone is different, at first we would always level the van, over time we found what was acceptable or not in the way of a slight slope.

I have fimma type straight ramps that work ok, but if I was to change I would go for something bit wider as unless I get the wheels exactly straight they can overhang the sides slightly. I also use a set of chocks behind the wheels. Bit of a belt and braces approach.

Absolutely on the glass of wine!
We also note that the ramps would be better if wider and also they do, with our UK wet weather, sink so all that levelling at first arrival seems redundant!


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Tommy-Darcy Fri May 24, 2013 8:31 pm

These are what we have and to be honest they are even more useless than I had already mentioned. They have now started splitting in exactly the same place on both though a mirror image of each other. confused3

The split starts at the bottom of the ramp next to one of the holes and is now past the 3rd grip bump tap_fingers

Will have to call in on a supplier of motorhome accessories whilst en route. Does anyone know of one around the Ipswich area other than Marquis (big dealer = top prices) winks

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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Celticbiker Fri May 24, 2013 9:35 pm

I've got a question for y'all.
Whilstona site recently I saw a van on some ramps like I have never seen before.
They were aluminium and colon shaped (the punctuation mark not the organ).
Anyone know what they are and where to buy them?


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by alanm Sat May 25, 2013 6:52 am

I had Stepped MILENCO black levels, the step was an upside down arch, however my 16 inch ally wheels did not fit in the arch so consequently the tyre was stressed sitting on the ridge between steps! and because the arches were quite severe on one occasion when I attempted to drive onto top level and braked quite sharp the van flipped them over and ended up back on the field with ramps jammed under body (my view dangerous and unsuitable) I brought this to the attention of MILENCO but it fell on deaf ears - sorry no they argued to say they had a great product zero sympathy or actual follow up!!! > this was six years ago so maybe they have improved i wouldn't know. 🤷 shrugg


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by burlingtonboaby Sat May 25, 2013 8:47 am

alanm wrote:I had Stepped MILENCO black levels, the step was an upside down arch, however my 16 inch ally wheels did not fit in the arch so consequently the tyre was stressed sitting on the ridge between steps! and because the arches were quite severe on one occasion when I attempted to drive onto top level and braked quite sharp the van flipped them over and ended up back on the field with ramps jammed under body (my view dangerous and unsuitable) I brought this to the attention of MILENCO but it fell on deaf ears - sorry no they argued to say they had a great product zero sympathy or actual follow up!!! > this was six years ago so maybe they have improved i wouldn't know. 🤷 shrugg

Hi Alanm
I have the triple Milenco black levellers, I have had problems with them on standard 15" or 16" steel wheels, sorry to read you had a problem with them. wave
Boaby Happy holidays


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dave 418 Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:35 pm

scratch head I think I know wich leveling ramps you think are best but a simple question for any fellow Duetto owners. Were do you store yours in a Duetto. I have managed to hide things like mains leads water pipes toilet gunk ect so far. The ramps are quite chunky so any sugestions please. think_smiley_46
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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by alanm Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:11 am

Dave 418 wrote: scratch head I think I know which leveling ramps you think are best but a simple question for any fellow Duetto owners. Were do you store yours in a Duetto. I have managed to hide things like mains leads water pipes toilet gunk ect so far. The ramps are quite chunky so any suggestions please. think_smiley_46

Since they are totally weather proof I simply ratchet strap mine to the underside of the bike rack I have drilled two small holes to bottom edge (not to compromise strength) so i can feed a cable lock through them just for those who like goodies for nothing. cheers Alan:up!:


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dave 418 Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:19 pm

scratch head Uh yeh good idea. Only snag is the van came with brackets but no bike rack. As management regards bikes as intruments of torture thats how things will stay moi I think.I will have a good look round this weekend whilst I get the van ready for our trip. The van convertions do have there limits when it comes to storage.I realy need to borow some to see if I have got room for them before I comit to buying them. I must know a fellow van owner that has ramps. think_smiley_46
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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Tommy-Darcy Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:59 pm

All we do is leave them by the pull out bed which we always leave on the first notch out anyway, so the bagged up ramps just sit under the lip. Ok so the 1st few times you will accidently kick them but, you will soon get used to them being there smile!

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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dutto Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:51 pm

Tommy-Darcy wrote:.......... you will accidently kick them but, you will soon get used to them being there smile!

You have been talking to my better half! tap_fingers

Want to know the total sympathy received for a stubbed toe on the leg that sticks out? Whistle1

"You pulled it out so you should have remembered!" tap_fingers tap_fingers

We put our Fiamma ramps in a rubble bag and they rest neatly on the step of the sliding door! allthumbz

Best regards,

Dutto - Living more in hope than expectation; and seldom disappointed!


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dave 418 Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:52 pm

allthumbz I had thought of putting them on the step. I will leave it for now and see how much we realy need them during the two weeks we are away. None of the sites are thinking of look fairly level. Any way the local beer and wine will help. Whistle1
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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Tommy-Darcy Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:38 pm

Dutto wrote:We put our Fiamma ramps in a rubble bag and they rest neatly on the step of the sliding door! allthumbz

Best regards,

No room there, box of beer lives on the sliding door step drinksallround lol4

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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dave 418 Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:00 pm

drinksallround Why carry the booz. I seem to rember it being easy enough to get at most stops. Top up, drink up, travel light. drinksallround
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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Tommy-Darcy Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:37 pm

Dave 418 wrote: drinksallround Why carry the booz. I seem to rember it being easy enough to get at most stops. Top up, drink up, travel light. drinksallround

Handy for those sites in the sticks drinksallround

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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Guest Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:37 am


I have a pair of Fiamma 'level-ups' which so far I have not needed to use. up!

I spent an hour on site last week helping a (well I guess he was a 'newbie') guy extricate a pair of Thules from under his van where he had overcooked it and rolled over the top. Whistle1

Must admit, his missus kept out of the way and offered no suggestions and restrained herself from laughing. snigger

Mike D


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by Dutto Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:14 pm

1b449 wrote:..................
Must admit, his missus kept out of the way and offered no suggestions and restrained herself from laughing. snigger

Mike D

If ever they divorce that lady will be a real catch for someone!!allthumbz


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Levelling ramps Empty Re: Levelling ramps

Post by -mojo- Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:37 pm

Celticbiker wrote:I've got a question for y'all.
Whilstona site recently I saw a van on some ramps like I have never seen before.
They were aluminium and colon shaped (the punctuation mark not the organ).
Anyone know what they are and where to buy them?

I remember these from a few years ago - sort of comma shaped. At the time they seemed to be a good idea, but IIRC they were very expensive, and also quite an awkward shape to store. I haven't seen any for sale for quite a while now.


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