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"Rot at home fruit!"

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"Rot at home fruit!" Empty "Rot at home fruit!"

Post by Dutto Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:32 am

Hi there,

I am heartily sick of supermarkets picking fruit way before it is ripe and then selling this rubbish as a "ripen at home" product! tap_fingers

At the moment there are four nectarines in the kitchen that are as hard as cricket balls and virtually tasteless. tap_fingers tap_fingers

we are incredibly lucky they will get soft without rotting or going mouldy; but they will NEVER be like the "run down your arms" juicy nectarines that we get in France.

Why can't we get them like they have in France? It's only 21 miles away! confused3

In the same vein, why are we now being offered apples (APPLES for God's sake! Not something exotic like pineapple, papaya or coconut!) on the basis that we buy them one at a time? What's next? "Four cherries for £1?" Whistle1

I suppose that, yet again, "profit" comes well before "customer satisfaction" and "quality" in rip-off Britain. think_smiley_46

Best regards,

Dutto - Living more in hope than expectation; and seldom disappointed!


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"Rot at home fruit!" Empty Re: "Rot at home fruit!"

Post by deckie Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:37 am

THANK’S VERY MUCH hugegrins hugegrins

We’ve only been back from the French Markets for a few days ……. And are now back to the British excuse for food,

Time for my morning nap, me thinks snoozing


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"Rot at home fruit!" Empty Re; Rot at home fruit.

Post by Guest Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:34 am


An observation I made visiting France, Spain and Cyprus, their 'home grown' fruit and veg is much fresher and tastier even though it quite often looks censored! awful.

Why do we have to put up with the tasteless, uniform standard 'pap' from the supermarkets? We have a local 'stall' which does sell (supposed) local produce, (local as in Israel -oranges?) and Kent fruit etc. and is generally quite passable.

Footnote: On holiday in Crete, we saw a truck, on the side was painted "My fruit is censored! lovely", we bought cherries, apricots and apples, and by God they were too! up!

Mike D

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"Rot at home fruit!" Empty Re: "Rot at home fruit!"

Post by Groper Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:27 pm

We have been buying nectarines(at least 8/week) from Lidl's since early July - only one began to go mouldy,the rest have been delicious.


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"Rot at home fruit!" Empty Re: "Rot at home fruit!"

Post by Dutto Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:50 pm

Groper wrote:We have been buying nectarines(at least 8/week) from Lidl's since early July - only one began to go mouldy,the rest have been delicious.

Fair do's to Lidl (I am a great fan of the company) in the UK they do seem to have the best nectarines. up!

However, their nectarines are NOWHERE NEAR what they (as well as other supermarkets) sell on the other side of La Manche! tap_fingers

Best regards,

Dutto - Living more in hope than expectation; and seldom disappointed!


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