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Why did 12v electric fail ?

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Why did 12v electric fail ? Empty Why did 12v electric fail ?

Post by Pip Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:10 am

We are using mains whilst on site but suddenly all lights went out.The control panel turned red with a list of all the fuses showing failed.The mains power was still working.After 5 mins everything came back on.I could hear a fan under the passenger seat . Possibly answering my own question,is it the charger overheating and re setting ?  Neuvo 2008.
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Why did 12v electric fail ? Empty Re: Why did 12v electric fail ?

Post by Roopert Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:14 am

It would be quite unusual for the built-in charger/power supply to overheat - typically they are rated to supply 20A continuously, and not many people will use that much on the 12V side.

I don't know the layout of a 2008 Devon at all, but I don't *think* A/S ever fitted the mains charger/power supply under the passenger seat - it may be worth a bit more investigation to see if you can identify exactly what the unit is that has a fan running?


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Why did 12v electric fail ? Empty Re: Why did 12v electric fail ?

Post by mcalid Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:43 pm

Pip wrote:We are using mains whilst on site but suddenly all lights went out.The control panel turned red with a list of all the fuses showing failed.The mains power was still working.After 5 mins everything came back on.I could hear a fan under the passenger seat . Possibly answering my own question,is it the charger overheating and re setting ?  Neuvo 2008.
It sounds to me that the mains power had a short power outage as the fan sound that you heard was the battery charger starting up and that could indicate a failing leisure battery but it could also mean that all charge is being sent to the vehicle battery if you have an MES Control Panel above the door as I have on my Nuevo, if so then change the CHG button from VEH to HAB.
Hope this helps.


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