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Charging Hab Battery

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Charging Hab Battery Empty Charging Hab Battery

Post by Tim Richards 28th August 2024, 11:44

Apologies for what I would imagine is a basic question.
We have just taken delivery of our Orian Zeta.
I note that the vehicle battery can be switched to charge when on 230v hook up however, despite scouring the manual, I cant find, if, when driving, the hab battery is charged from the vehicle alternator once the vehicle battery is fully charged.

Could anyone provide an answer?

Many thanks
Tim Richards
Tim Richards


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Location : St Austell
Auto-Sleeper Model : Orian Zeta
Vehicle Year : 2008

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Charging Hab Battery Empty Re: Charging Hab Battery

Post by Cymro 28th August 2024, 11:52

Yes, that’s what usually happens. The 3-way fridge should also work whilst the engine is running. I’m not familiar with your vehicle so it’s possible that yours doesn’t charge, but I’d be surprised. 

Does your question imply that your habitation battery is not being charged whilst driving? That suggests either a failed battery or a failed split charge relay, I think. Many other members can advise further as to electrics. 



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Charging Hab Battery Empty Re: Charging Hab Battery

Post by Peter Brown 28th August 2024, 11:52

In your van you have what is termed as 'the split charge relay'. When the engine is running that relay connects the habitation and vehicle battery together so that they both charge from the alternator.
Peter Brown
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Charging Hab Battery Empty Re: Charging Hab Battery

Post by Dave Hill 31st August 2024, 20:38

Tim, we too have an Orian Zeta and love it. It is basically an older Nuevo on the later Boxer chassis. We like the simplicity of the habitation switch gear, no touch screen panels etc. to cause issues.

Both Cymro and Peter know their stuff and have a wealth of knowledge.

Enjoy your new van.

I often wonder how many Orian motorhomes were produced!

Dave Hill
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