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Replace the kitchen sink cupboard

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Replace the kitchen sink cupboard Empty Replace the kitchen sink cupboard

Post by Sean and Sue Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:45 pm

Hope someone can help me with getting a replacement cupboard. Our current 2003 Nuvo has two doors with two shelves, but after looking at other vans they have draws. I could make two draws with runners, but time etc. The main reason for the change is to aid wife who has mobiility issues. I have serached but couldnt find any info.

Sean wave
Sean and Sue
Sean and Sue


Posts : 6
Joined : 2023-04-17
Location : Wrexham
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo
Vehicle Year : 2003

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Replace the kitchen sink cupboard Empty Re: Replace the kitchen sink cupboard

Post by Roopert Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:51 pm

I guess your best bet will be to keep an eye open on Ebay for Nuevos of that year at breakers. If you see one, get in quickly - I get the impression that most breakers will try to sell the high-value parts such as heaters, fridges, hobs, etc - and they won't typically use much care in extracting those parts from the surrounding furniture.


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Joined : 2019-03-10
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