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Lancashire solar panel - how does it work?

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Lancashire solar panel - how does it work? Empty Lancashire solar panel - how does it work?

Post by Scorrybreck Sun May 14, 2023 8:39 pm

We have just bought a 2010 Lancashire ES, which I'm given to understand (correct me if I'm wrong) is basically a special edition Nuevo with a few extra bits as standard. It is fitted with a solar panel on the roof, which I THINK is a factory-fitted original equipment fitment i.e. not an aftermarket addition.

Can anyone tell me, will this solar panel supply current to the battery automatically at all times (assuming sufficient sunlight of course...!) or will this only happen if the control panel is switched on? Or indeed is there anything else I need to do to 'activate' it? shrugg Thank you in anticipation!


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Lancashire solar panel - how does it work? Empty Re: Lancashire solar panel - how does it work?

Post by inspiredron Sun May 14, 2023 9:23 pm

Solar panel is NOT original equipment. Should work without control panel being switched on but will depend on how it has been wired up. What is your control panel? With luck it is an EC325 and if so you can scroll the display to show current in or out of battery. But it could be a different control panel where I have no knowledge.

Last edited by inspiredron on Sun May 14, 2023 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)

Best wishes - Ron


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Lancashire solar panel - how does it work? Empty Re: Lancashire solar panel - how does it work?

Post by Nue Mon May 15, 2023 11:25 am

Hi S,

I have a 2017 Nuevo and the following is the u tube video that came with the vehicle, I'm not sure weather the EC328 is exactly the same as your EC 325 but am certain that someone with more knowledge on the matter will soon advise.


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Lancashire solar panel - how does it work? Empty Re: Lancashire solar panel - how does it work?

Post by Peter Brown Mon May 15, 2023 12:32 pm

If you have a Sargent EC325 (likely in a 2010 van but not certain) and you have two wires connected to the four way connector that the arrow points too in the pic below the the dual channel solar controller inside the EC325 will be charging both vehicle and leisure batteries whether the control panel is switched on or not.

Lancashire solar panel - how does it work? Solar_10
Peter Brown
Peter Brown


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Lancashire solar panel - how does it work? Empty Re: Lancashire solar panel - how does it work?

Post by Nue Mon May 15, 2023 1:00 pm

Whoops, would have been useful if I clicked PASTE
How to use the Sargent EC328 Power Supply Unit. - YouTube


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