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Internet search for your specific website

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Internet search for your specific website Empty Internet search for your specific website

Post by Relaxez-Vous Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:19 pm

This morning I wanted to check what doctors work at our GP's. I know the name of the GP surgery, and so does every other b*gger, Yell, 911, the NHS website, find-my-doctor,, *******sexual dot com, I want great health, NHS ratings and reviews etc they are all at it, intruding.

Considering how much "they" want you to contact your GP via the internet it's well neigh impossible using a web search. I might as well be contacting someone in North Korean or Vladimir Putin's empire, and probably am.
Thankfully looking in my own medical folder, thick paper, none of this digital malarkey, fortunately I find a letter from my GP with the practice's web address, wunderbar. I find a list of the doctors working in our GP practice. I'll save you the details about why I needed this info, let's say a letter that should have gone to me went to instead my wife referring to her as my guardian, WTF!

Back this afternoon to planet computer and I wanted to download some software from a specific website. Everyone is in on the act, but fortunately I know what the website looks like. or ... but have I just downloads some malware. Time will tell.

It's a wild west out there on the web.

PS. I am uncertain what file I've downloaded using W10, the exe isn't running. Downloaded on another PC running Ubuntu, it's looking better, will transfer exe file later with a USB stick.


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Internet search for your specific website Empty Re: Internet search for your specific website

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:53 pm

On Edge (and others) hover over a web link and a box should appear bottom left with the destination of the link. anything ending dot com is governed by ICANN and should have gone through some rudimentary checks at least to show the site owner is legitimate. Nominet is the authority for dot co dot uk and they take their role a little more seriously. I have used them a couple of times to reclaim domains for clients when they have got nowhere with the original registrar cannot be redirected to anyone else and they have also registered common alternatives even if they don't use them so is also registered. Avoid ANYTHING whose web address ends in .ru or .cn for obvious reasons but .tv (Tuvalu) admins are not too worried who they register domains for (it's their biggest foreign currency earner)

I don't use any 3rd party antivirus having found Microsoft's own Defender and Edge's safesearch as being very effective. It's not often they cannot see inside an archive ( a zip file or a similar compressed file inside an executable wrapper) and soon tell me if a download is unsafe. For several years one of my most common tasks was to fix a slow computer, 9 times out of 10 it was the 3rd party AV suite causing the problem. Uninstalling the AV would fix it but it didn't come back if reinstalled and everything would be fine for a year or two.

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Internet search for your specific website Empty Re: Internet search for your specific website

Post by Relaxez-Vous Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:37 am

I don't understand why the exe file I downloaded to update a program using the W10 PC wasn't recognised, instead I was asked what App I wanted to use to open it.

I returned to the website, this time downloading the exe file on a PC running Ubuntu, transferred the file to the W10 PC with a USB memory stick, ran the exe file and updated the program without a hitch. Perhaps W10 has some security feature which blocks exe files but I'd not seen this before. Perhaps I had to be in administrator mode? Yes I checked with a Windows Defender scale before installing.

There was a slight difference in names between the two downloads yet it was the same website and same link I chose to download the file each time.


Posts : 1096
Joined : 2019-08-10
Location : Yorkshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Kemerton XL
Vehicle Year : 2019

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