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I don’t believe it

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I don’t believe it Empty I don’t believe it

Post by Bobskate Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:53 pm

It must be a function of my advancing years but an increasing number of my posts seem to be in The Grumpy Old Men’s Club.

I picked my wife up from a meeting this evening and, driving towards home, I saw a house and garden decorated with twinkling fairy lights. I suspected it might have been to mark some sort of religious festival…….well in a way I was right…it was Christmas! I know that because of the Santa in the sleigh flashing as it were in the top window. Who are these sad people who put decs up two months early? I won’t be joining them any time soon as I’ve only just put mine back in the loft from last year.  hugegrins hugegrins


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I don’t believe it Empty Pity me.

Post by mcalid Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:37 am

Bobskate wrote:It must be a function of my advancing years but an increasing number of my posts seem to be in The Grumpy Old Men’s Club.

I picked my wife up from a meeting this evening and, driving towards home, I saw a house and garden decorated with twinkling fairy lights. I suspected it might have been to mark some sort of religious festival…….well in a way I was right…it was Christmas! I know that because of the Santa in the sleigh flashing as it were in the top window. Who are these sad people who put decs up two months early? I won’t be joining them any time soon as I’ve only just put mine back in the loft from last year.  hugegrins hugegrins
I work in a Garden Centre which turns into a full-blown Christmas Shop every year about now, we hear every day, "It's far too early to have that out" but inevitably these people leave with bags of decorations.
The Christmas Fairy has forgotten our Store so we have to set the display up all by ourselves and we will not be finished before mid November when I will have to deputise for Santa as he has also forgotten us or whatever he is getting up to with the Christmas Fairy might be keeping him busy.
My abiding memory was a house in Basildon which had a very impressive life-size depiction in lights of the Nativity, the Madonna, the child, the shepherds, the Kings and an adult-sized...Penguin.
Peace be with you all and the Holy Penguin.


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I don’t believe it Empty Re: I don’t believe it

Post by Mollytardis Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:14 pm

To save a bit for our travels, i have told the grandkids  that Santa has succumbed to covid
And will not be bringing presents , i am sure they won't be upset for too long.


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I don’t believe it Empty Re: I don’t believe it

Post by Paulmold Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:26 pm

Mollytardis wrote:To save a bit for our travels, i have told the grandkids  that Santa has succumbed to covid
And will not be bringing presents , i am sure they won't be upset for too long.

Ohhhhh, how could you!

Nice to be important but more important to be nice


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