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Mercedes Pro discontinuation

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Mercedes Pro discontinuation Empty Mercedes Pro discontinuation

Post by LDPD Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:23 pm

Have received notification from Mercedes that "On 28th of February 2021, the Mercedes PRO fleet products and services are going to be discontinued"

We assume that this applies to those on the most recent chassis from 2019 onwards.

We currently use the Mercedes Pro app to check on the van with all the functionality that is provided for free - we haven't paid for any additional services.

Anyone any idea of how this announcement will affect AS Mercedes owners?

Second thought - should we be looking at using "Mercedes me" instead?

Last edited by LDPD on Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:29 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Thought on Mercedes me)

A retired couple, young at heart, in Oxfordshire


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Location : Oxford
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
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Mercedes Pro discontinuation Empty Re: Mercedes Pro discontinuation

Post by gemdeco Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:29 pm

    What Pro Fleet services did you use and what is Mercedes ME can you access, I have a new Mercedes MH and have been offered no such services,I found being an import it missed any main dealer services I had great difficulty in taking out a service plan because it was not registered on there system


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Mercedes Pro discontinuation Empty Re: Mercedes Pro discontinuation

Post by LDPD Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:46 pm

gemdeco wrote:Hi
    What Pro Fleet services did you use and what is Mercedes ME can you access, I have a new Mercedes MH and have been offered no such services,I found being an import it missed any main dealer services I had great difficulty in taking out a service plan because it was not registered on there system

Your profile shows a 2010 Gloucester but you are talking about an import so presumably from another converter and not an AS vehicle? Each converter specs what they require on the base vehicle so I suggest you contact them to see options are included on your vehicle.

We were originally helped by Mercedes to set up the Pro account and app for our AS Bourton. We currently use the basic free-to-use functions as specified on the Mercedes Pro pages and are seeking clarity as to what functionality, if anything, we may lose and hence trying to understand what our ongoing options may be.

Our understanding is that Mercedes Pro is for commercial vehicles such as the Sprinter, whereas Mercedes me is for private vehicles, typically cars. Apart from googling details we haven't looked into it in any depth so can't really comment on the pros and cons of either option now or after the end of Feb. Will be talking to Mercedes in Feb to seek some clarity on our options and for a way forward.

A retired couple, young at heart, in Oxfordshire


Posts : 149
Joined : 2017-12-12
Location : Oxford
Auto-Sleeper Model : Bourton
Vehicle Year : 2019

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