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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Skizzydo Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:18 pm

The woes and gnashing of the teeth etc  between the dealers, AS and Sargent is akin to Boeing’s the FAA and the operators, we know we have a problem with the Burton ( 787 delete as appropriate)but it’s not ours it’s somebodies elses problem, and if it has problems you paid for it and we are keeping the monies anyway...... 
How about a class action against   - well pick a name, they will all blame someone else.
 Oh well time to look for another vehicle and guess what at the bottom of the list will be AS


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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty CONTROL PANEL

Post by EVY Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:35 am

LDPD wrote:"Also ensure the dealer updates the software to include the over ride facility to the control panel."

What is this over ride facility you refer to?
I see from your profile you've got an early version of next century's model!  scratch head
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Skizzydo Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:12 pm

We have actually achieved three trips recently ( 2x 4 days and one of 11 days ) where the Haunted Snail seemed to behave itself electrically.  The First time ever since we bought this machine that nothing seems to have seriously gone wrong, it still has to back to the dealership for some parts and further investigation  though . 
One of the wet locker locks failed.
So far the auto steps has been isolated, but works on manual but still comes in when the engine is started. The timing of the steps run in has been shortened.
The Habitation door has been isolated from its power source by application of some insulation tape over the contacts, so we can lock the door by key and know it stays locked.
Otherwise at the moment the gremlins have been quietened down somewhat.
But we have got warnings that stay on for 2 seconds on the harmony system. I did manage to read it on one occasion when it said the vehicle battery only had 10. 9 v when it had 12.7v  ( Its lying again )still looking into that regarding the time the warning is visible, and its duff information.
Still looking for another vehicle that suits our needs though.

Last edited by Skizzydo on Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding some extra words .)


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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Guest Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:22 am

LDPD wrote:
KMRTOPAZ wrote:I have read on numerous occasions on this forum that Sargent are very helpful when approached with a technical question. You may benefit from a chat with them. Contact details are on their website.   Keith
Looks like issue is with all 2019 Mercedes based conversions from AS. Here's the story. I buy new from dealer. They get vehicle from AS. AS build with base from Mercedes(talked to Rygor and got to the heart of the issue) integrating with Sargent(talked to them and they confirmed that they were aware of the issue and trying to resolve but no immediate indication of when) and AS's own needs. With no help from dealer I had to do the legwork before talking to AS and being amazed(polite version!) to discover that it was a known issue. Put dealer in the picture and leaning on them to progress for a resolution. Three months on and patience wearing thin.
There is a software upgrade that Mercedes have to install, and if there is any after fit alarm installed (we had Autowatch Cat 1), it has to be removed. So... we had the Merc upgrade and we are still having issues. Latest we have been told is that the habitation door needs to be disconnected from the central locking alon with some other wiring change. This will mean that you will have to use the key to unlock the habitation door, the step wont come out automatically, nor will the awnng light come on automatically.

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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Guest Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:39 am

LDPD wrote:Anyone having problems with weird behaviour of the electrics in the habitation area?
When parked up, on ours the Mercedes electrics tries to enable an energy saving hibernation mode which appears to confuse the Sargent unit which does any, or all, of the following - operate the step, awning light or worst of all sets off it's own internal battery low alarm. Given this goes off randomly in the night, a good night's sleep is something to dream of (not in the van though!). This behaviour has existed since we took delivery three months ago and despite persistent chasing there's no sign of resolution. A vehicle designed for sleeping in, but you can't have an uninterrupted night's sleep! Fit for purpose? Anyone else with similar issues or sensible advice?
Not sure if yu have had this fixed. We ad same issues, plus ldoor light coming on instide, Park light on  dashboard....  There is a software update Mercedes need to do, and AS are now disconnecting the hab door from central locking and some other wiring change.

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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by LDPD Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:24 pm

kandjking wrote:
Not sure if yu have had this fixed. We ad same issues, plus ldoor light coming on instide, Park light on  dashboard....  There is a software update Mercedes need to do, and AS are now disconnecting the hab door from central locking and some other wiring change.

See my post of 17 March
Both Mercedes and Sargent software updates were required.
Since then all working as expected including hab door with central locking

A retired couple, young at heart, in Oxfordshire


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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Ragman Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:36 pm

Hi All
I am feeling g VERY apprehensive about taking delivery of my 2021 Bourton in March this year (2021) after reading of the litany of electrical problems that seem to have been known about by the Vehicle manufacturer, The Coach-built section Manufacturer & the Electrical control/interface designer.

 This is supposed to be a premium product that is going to cost a whopping £79000
Have the problems been resolved? If not it is difficult to convince myself to go ahead with this purchase as I was hoping that it would indeed be a reliable & well built product that would (Will?) give me pride of ownership and pleasurable journeys.

Are there any POSITIVE reviews or comments to be made about the current year Bourton??
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by peewee Sat Jan 30, 2021 10:49 pm

Hi Ragman
Your post caught my eye not just because it's about Bourton Electrics, but also because I see that like us, you live in Norfolk.
Similar to you, we were alerted to the potential electrical problems in the Auto Sleeper / Mercedes model range following our agreement to purchase a Bourton during 2020.
The ongoing and often unresolved problems that others had experienced scared us silly and we were seriously tempted to cancel our order. But knowledge gained from this Forum helped us to get the any future problems resolved via the Norfolk dealership we purchased from. Communication with them was excellent!
In the weeks prior to our scheduled delivery date the dealership were diligent in ensuring the Sargent software as well as the Mercedes software were both upgraded to the correct specifications at the same time and they then monitored the situation to ensure that those modifications were compatible and working correctly over the fortnight or so before handing the vehicle over to us.
Of course, the lockdown has restricted our use of the vehicle but we managed 29 autumn camp nights in total and throughout that period - mostly camping for 3-4 nights per location, we didn't experience any issues at all. And certainly none which matched the electrical malfunction experiences of other owners that we had read about.
So two things here _
1. Without the knowledge gained from this forum we would have been oblivious to what we might have endured, so we were grateful while also being sympathetic to other owners, who we hope get matters resolved very soon.
2. In being firm with our dealer / supplier they, in conjunction with Mercedes, ensured everything was done to rectify potential issues. This was valuable not only for us but also for them, as they clearly didn't want an ongoing complaint / recall saga developing. 
I really do recommend that you recruit the support of your dealer prior to delivery date (perhaps it's the same as one we used and recommend, from Great Yarmouth?) Our experience is that there is a solution to the problems discussed in this forum and Mercedes (commercial), in conjunction with our dealer, reacted to what needed to be done. Maybe if we had attempted to get matters resolved after delivery and as a customer, we may not have had as much 'clout' as the dealer did.
Perhaps the later model you are purchasing has had these issues resolved already?
Good luck with the process. The Bourton is a fabulous motorhome and we do not regret buying ours one little bit.
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Ragman Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:06 pm

Thanks for that Peewee.
The dealer that you bought from in Great Yarmouth is probably the one that I am purchasing from (Name beginning S?) & I must say that the dealings that I have had from them thus far have been very good.
Many years ago I brought my VW cars from them & it is still run by the same family!

I do feel that I will get good service from them BUT hope that I don't have to avail myself too often to them!

I will take your advice & speak to them about the problems that some of our fellow Forum Members have had in the later models of the Mercedes based 

This forum is a great asset to owners with a huge pool of knowledge that is selflessly shared.

Thanks2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 2756180141
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by peewee Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:13 pm

Yes, same ''S'' dealer. 
Good luck
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Ragman Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:06 am

Hi again PEEWEE

I am struggling to find the location of the main Sargent electrical panel in the current Bourton model.
I wonder if you could describe location or send an image?

Also although not strictly related to this electrical subject, could you answer me a question about available storage in the drivers side settee as I believe there is a water tank fitted in there?

Many thanks


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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by peewee Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:49 am

The Sargent electrics are under the drivers seat but accessible from the side when the drivers door is open.
The drivers side bunk is restricted in length by about 18" or so, but we found there was plenty of space for duvets, pillows and other soft items that could be squashed down. Overall, we found there was space to spare even when the overhead lockers had swallowed up our clothes and other stuff. It's quite deceptive. One good thing about the van is that the space under the passenger side bunks is accessible from the locker door outside, so ideal for fold up chairs etc.
The only restriction would be if you have wind break poles or similar, which would be too long for either under-bunk space, so they would need to be laid on the floor and placed under the van when on site. But a small
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Peter Brown Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:14 am

Sargent panel is under the cover indicated below:

2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Screen17
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Hi Ragman

Post by Cath Dawson Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:20 pm

Ragman wrote:Hi All
I am feeling g VERY apprehensive about taking delivery of my 2021 Bourton in March this year (2021) after reading of the litany of electrical problems that seem to have been known about by the Vehicle manufacturer, The Coach-built section Manufacturer & the Electrical control/interface designer.

 This is supposed to be a premium product that is going to cost a whopping £79000
Have the problems been resolved? If not it is difficult to convince myself to go ahead with this purchase as I was hoping that it would indeed be a reliable & well built product that would (Will?) give me pride of ownership and pleasurable journeys.

Are there any POSITIVE reviews or comments to be made about the current year Bourton??
2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 938305172
Thank You
Stay Safe
Hi Ragman,
Finally we had some "good news" on our Bourton.  In the end, Autosleeper at Willersey collected our 2020 Bourton, kept it for a couple of weeks to understand the problems, realised what all the electric issues were, and decided to disconnect the habitation door from the main fob electrics!  This means that we now have to unlock/lock the habitation door with the manual key and unlock/lock the cab doors with the fob. We gather that this is the "solution" they have adopted for the 2021 Bourton/Mercedes vans.  Using the manual key is a small price to pay after all the grief we had experienced. We just have to get into the habit of remembering to lock the habitation part of the van manually.  (Of course, not had much practice lately of being out and about in the van !!!!!)
Regards   Cath Dawson
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by LDPD Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:38 pm

Cath Dawson wrote:
Ragman wrote:Hi All
I am feeling g VERY apprehensive about taking delivery of my 2021 Bourton in March this year (2021) after reading of the litany of electrical problems that seem to have been known about by the Vehicle manufacturer, The Coach-built section Manufacturer & the Electrical control/interface designer.

 This is supposed to be a premium product that is going to cost a whopping £79000
Have the problems been resolved? If not it is difficult to convince myself to go ahead with this purchase as I was hoping that it would indeed be a reliable & well built product that would (Will?) give me pride of ownership and pleasurable journeys.

Are there any POSITIVE reviews or comments to be made about the current year Bourton??
2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 938305172
Thank You
Stay Safe
Hi Ragman,
Finally we had some "good news" on our Bourton.  In the end, Autosleeper at Willersey collected our 2020 Bourton, kept it for a couple of weeks to understand the problems, realised what all the electric issues were, and decided to disconnect the habitation door from the main fob electrics!  This means that we now have to unlock/lock the habitation door with the manual key and unlock/lock the cab doors with the fob. We gather that this is the "solution" they have adopted for the 2021 Bourton/Mercedes vans.  Using the manual key is a small price to pay after all the grief we had experienced. We just have to get into the habit of remembering to lock the habitation part of the van manually.  (Of course, not had much practice lately of being out and about in the van !!!!!)
Regards   Cath Dawson
Intrigued by your comments.
As described earlier in this thread AS/Mercedes eventually sorted the electrics in our van (New cab 2019 model). 
Using the key fob the central locking operates as expected on the hab door as well the step and awning light as configured on the control panel
Curious about the change of tack on 2021 models - progress?

Last edited by LDPD on Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : More detail)

A retired couple, young at heart, in Oxfordshire


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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Bourton Electrics

Post by Ragman Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:11 pm

Hi Cath,
Thanks for that info regarding the latest? 'Work-around' to help solve the ongoing issues with the electrics.
Thinking this through it seems less than satisfactory when leaving/arriving back to the MH.
Manually unlocking in the dark will be a challenge as usually the awning light should activate when using a remote un-lock & the step deploys as you approach?
I fully appreciate your sense of relief at having cured your gremlins by this solution but if you don't mind I shall challenge this solution via my Dealer as it seems to have removed a fundamental operating system for the MH that is very useful to have.

I wish you a very happy & proud relationship with Your new Motorhome.


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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Peter Brown Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:16 pm

Having seen several people locked out of their vans when the central locking rest after two mins with the keys inside requiring a professional 'break in' to recover the keys. I always use the manual key on the habitation door when on site after initially locking electronically.

You will find by experience its much better not to have central locking on the habitation door.
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2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues - Page 6 Empty Re: 2019 Bourton Mercedes Electrics Issues

Post by Cath Dawson Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:24 pm

Ragman wrote:Hi Cath,
Thanks for that info regarding the latest? 'Work-around' to help solve the ongoing issues with the electrics.
Thinking this through it seems less than satisfactory when leaving/arriving back to the MH.
Manually unlocking in the dark will be a challenge as usually the awning light should activate when using a remote un-lock & the step deploys as you approach?
I fully appreciate your sense of relief at having cured your gremlins by this solution but if you don't mind I shall challenge this solution via my Dealer as it seems to have removed a fundamental operating system for the MH that is very useful to have.

I wish you a very happy & proud relationship with Your new Motorhome.
Hi Ragman,
All said and done, we love our Bourton and wouldn't part with it!   It has everything we wanted in a van re: shape, size and interior layout.  It drives like a dream.  Happy Vanning (eventually) to one and all.....
Best wishes...   Cath
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