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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by johnnyxs Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:38 am

I'm no labourite DM far from it winks I'm Apolitical they are all just a bunch of self promoting hypocrits in my view

I just cannot abide  inequality in this day and age when fraudulant rich Bankers and  asset stripping tycoons who have stolen our money can afford several multi million pound yachts whilst we are happy to see our youth without jobs, home  or future , homeless on the streets and the sick and dying queuing in Hospital corridors for a bed.
Something wrong with that


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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by daisy mae Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:45 am

I didn`t say you were a labourite, knew someone would take it out of context.

Rich bankers are different to estate owners, I wasn`t referring to them,

No nothing wrong with your remark about hospitals, I saw my mother in a corridor for 6 hours with a broken hip, at 90 years old, I blame all the extra white collar staff they think are necessary in our hospitals, walking round in the  business suits carrying clip boards, six of them together at one time while I was there, never should have done away with the matrons, who ran the hospitals with a rod of iron, but it worked and didn`t have the problems we have today, councils especially it is unbelievable how many staff at the top end doing what. If the staff were cut down there would be the money to put into where it is needed.

Take the poll tax, which I agreed with by the way, (why should those that used the facilities not pay for them) councils employed a lot of extra staff, when the poll tax was abolished they didn`t get rid of those extra staff, why? that is where a lot of money is going , council cutting down on essential services, then cities like Leicester, can spend on cycle tracks all over the place which aren`t used or required, taking up car parking places to create squares, then moaning shops are losing out on trade, just to boost some ones ego.PS ,  just pleased I don`t live there ., or even visit. getting rid of Snibston Discovery Park which was a fabulous place for all ages, educational for the schools, now building houses,surprise, we need small bungalows in our village for the elderly to down size to,  to release houses for younger ones, builders will not build bungalows so it is stale mate.

Ok rant over, won`t bore you all anymore.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don`t matter, and those who matter don`t mind.
                                                                Dr. Seuss
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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by bikeralw Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:18 pm

A little way away from my house is a school playing field, a little remote from the actual school, and in between residential properties. Various plans have been put forward over the years to build houses there. Under pressure from various quarters, the council has always refused them.
Now plans to build a block of 66 supervised one and two bedroom flats for adults who qualify for care have been approved, and work has started on the two year project.
So we've lost a school playing field for children, and possible future Olympians, but gained flats for (mainly) the elderly, which should release houses for families.
So a good thing on balance? I'm not so sure.


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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by johnnyxs Mon Aug 22, 2016 1:01 pm

daisy mae wrote:

I saw my mother in a corridor for 6 hours with a broken hip, at 90 years old, I blame all the extra white collar staff they think are necessary in our hospitals, walking round in the  business suits carrying clip boards, six of them together at one time while I was there, never should have done away with the matrons, who ran the hospitals with a rod of iron, but it worked and didn`t have the problems we have today,
quite agree daisy mae  best_friends

My late Mum was an SRN Nurse . back then the Matron system worked really well and everything on the Wards was properly run and organised . Junior Doctors had the Matron to give advice and support winks

Its utter chaos in the wards these days. My MIL who has just had her second stroke last week is now blind . She is 85 and extremely frail weighing scarcely 6 stones. She also now has sudden onset Dementia.
Last Friday midday we got a telephone call from the Ward Sister saying you need to come to the Hospital and take your Mother home today !....
They were clearly happy to discharge a demented blind stroke patient to go home on her own without carers or any aid in place for the weekend.


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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by Askit Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:35 pm

daisy mae wrote:I agree about the NHS as to my own experience of it, as you get older health issues affect us all.

Re selling off national utilities etc blame the  Labour government, they are not for the working man.

Now I know I am seen as some as being controversial, I bear no malice or ill feeling to any one, but I do say what I think, there is a saying," that those that matter don`t mind, those that mind don`t matter."

The point is I have never had a problem with the so called rich of this country, it has always been the same, if it wasn`t for the "rich" landowners, where the workers on the estate get jobs, same as factory owners etc they put up the money and so create jobs. It is the way of life, the estate owners open their estates to the public, to get the money to run them, like Belvoir Castle which is not far from me. they are part of our heritage, would you like to have to open your house up to strangers? also death duties are enormous and the family have to sell off what they can to pay them, as that goes to the government perhaps that comes your way.

This country without large estates, historical houses etc would be a very bland and uninteresting country.We should be proud of it, foreigners envy what we have, especially the Americans with our Royal Family, we are unique.

If you have a motorhome, computer etc you are far from poor, poor in the 20`s and 30`s was a different thing altogether.

I appreciate what I have, for which I worked for, courtesy of my "rich" boss.
Not really bringing politics into this , seems Labourites are begrudging of what others have, not getting at anyone on here, just stating a fact from observations over the years.

You are born into what ever circumstances you find yourself in, it is up to you to do what you will to improve it if you are not satisfied with what ever life has dealt you.  Envy eats away and hurts the person who is envious and gets nowhere.

I am better off than my parents, my Father said when he was old just before he died, he would not change a thing about his life, he was born in 1909, very poor family in poverty, not the so called poverty of today, his was  by Tuesday wondering where the next meal was coming from, no benefits in those days, today poverty is deemed to be not having the latest TV, phones designer clothes etc.  even when on benefits, but he made the best off it and worked hard, never begrudged anyone, I learnt a lot from him.

This is not a rant, a point of view learnt from life and one who does appreciate things, don1t worry what others have , life is too short.

daisy mae, I think you've got your facts wrong about the sell off of utilities. It was the Tories who sold off utilities and Government owned companies including Gas, Electricity, Water, BT, Cable and Wireless, Britoil, British Aerospace, British Rail, Powergen, National Power, British Coal, British Steel, Jaguar, Roll Royce and BP. It prompted Harold MacMillan to suggest that they "were selling off the family silver". More recently, Royal Mail has also been sold off.


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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by groundhog Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:58 pm

When the Olympics first came on I thought I would be doing everything possible to avoid them, on the contrary I really enjoyed most of it though the BBC did flog some parts to death,

The UK should be proud of beating the Chinese in to third place but that probably wouldn't be British would it? At the very least it stopped all the talk about brexit.

One thing I do find odd though is why do they have the closing ceremony before the Paralympics have started, because they suffer a handicap are they any less important than the elite athletes?

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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by johnnyxs Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:14 pm

thats a very good point !why indeed...
Recently there has been some concern expressed that the Paralympics might not be held at all or at least not in totality.

Apparently there is insufficient funds left to pay for all the staff and officials. I heard that the Olympic seat revenue was so poor that Rio organisers have had to 'borrow' funds allocated to the paralympics fund to pay the bills.



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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by daisy mae Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:55 pm

Askit wrote:
daisy mae wrote:I agree about the NHS as to my own experience of it, as you get older health issues affect us all.

Re selling off national utilities etc blame the  Labour government, they are not for the working man.

Now I know I am seen as some as being controversial, I bear no malice or ill feeling to any one, but I do say what I think, there is a saying," that those that matter don`t mind, those that mind don`t matter."

The point is I have never had a problem with the so called rich of this country, it has always been the same, if it wasn`t for the "rich" landowners, where the workers on the estate get jobs, same as factory owners etc they put up the money and so create jobs. It is the way of life, the estate owners open their estates to the public, to get the money to run them, like Belvoir Castle which is not far from me. they are part of our heritage, would you like to have to open your house up to strangers? also death duties are enormous and the family have to sell off what they can to pay them, as that goes to the government perhaps that comes your way.

This country without large estates, historical houses etc would be a very bland and uninteresting country.We should be proud of it, foreigners envy what we have, especially the Americans with our Royal Family, we are unique.

If you have a motorhome, computer etc you are far from poor, poor in the 20`s and 30`s was a different thing altogether.

I appreciate what I have, for which I worked for, courtesy of my "rich" boss.
Not really bringing politics into this , seems Labourites are begrudging of what others have, not getting at anyone on here, just stating a fact from observations over the years.

You are born into what ever circumstances you find yourself in, it is up to you to do what you will to improve it if you are not satisfied with what ever life has dealt you.  Envy eats away and hurts the person who is envious and gets nowhere.

I am better off than my parents, my Father said when he was old just before he died, he would not change a thing about his life, he was born in 1909, very poor family in poverty, not the so called poverty of today, his was  by Tuesday wondering where the next meal was coming from, no benefits in those days, today poverty is deemed to be not having the latest TV, phones designer clothes etc.  even when on benefits, but he made the best off it and worked hard, never begrudged anyone, I learnt a lot from him.

This is not a rant, a point of view learnt from life and one who does appreciate things, don1t worry what others have , life is too short.

daisy mae, I think you've got your facts wrong about the sell off of utilities. It was the Tories who sold off utilities and Government owned companies including Gas, Electricity, Water, BT, Cable and Wireless, Britoil, British Aerospace, British Rail, Powergen, National Power, British Coal, British Steel, Jaguar, Roll Royce and BP. It prompted Harold MacMillan to suggest that they "were selling off the family silver". More recently, Royal Mail has also been sold off.

My apologies, I hold my hands up, what actually happened is I am not glued up on many aspects of politics, my husband is, or so I thought, so I asked him to clarify, which he did, just asked him and he said " I misunderstood what you wanted to know" duh!! Whistle1 right, well he does have an ology where as I don`t. hugegrins hugegrins so hope apology is accepted.
Best regards,
daisy mae
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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by Askit Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:02 pm

No apology needed, for me anyway. Not so sure about the Labour party though  lol4



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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by PLOUGHLIN Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:10 pm

Paralympics are organised by IPC (International Paralympic Organisation) not IOC.

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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by johnnyxs Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:31 pm

PLOUGHLIN wrote:Paralympics are organised by IPC (International Paralympic Organisation) not IOC.
yes but as I understand it ...all the staff, security , judges and officials etc are paid for by Rio 
No judges no paralymics winks

I think there are two aspects to this. The IPC should fund the paralympic athletes to get to the venue and living expenses etc but Rio should be providing the funds for running the events .

"The International Paralympic Committee says Rio's organising committee has not raised enough money to fund the Paralympics.
Brazil's struggling economy and the fact that only 12% of available tickets have so far been sold have been blamed for the shortfall in funding for the Games, which start on 7 September.


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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by rose49f Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:38 pm

Now I know I am seen as some as being controversial, I bear no malice or ill feeling to any one, but I do say what I think, there is a saying," that those that matter don`t mind, those that mind don`t matter."

The point is I have never had a problem with the so called rich of this country, it has always been the same, if it wasn`t for the "rich" landowners, where the workers on the estate get jobs, same as factory owners etc they put up the money and so create jobs. It is the way of life, the estate owners open their estates to the public, to get the money to run them, like Belvoir Castle which is not far from me. they are part of our heritage, would you like to have to open your house up to strangers? also death duties are enormous and the family have to sell off what they can to pay them, as that goes to the government perhaps that comes your way.

This country without large estates, historical houses etc would be a very bland and uninteresting country.We should be proud of it, foreigners envy what we have, especially the Americans with our Royal Family, we are unique.

If you have a motorhome, computer etc you are far from poor, poor in the 20`s and 30`s was a different thing altogether.

I appreciate what I have, for which I worked for, courtesy of my "rich" boss.
Not really bringing politics into this , seems Labourites are begrudging of what others have, not getting at anyone on here, just stating a fact from observations over the years.

You are born into what ever circumstances you find yourself in, it is up to you to do what you will to improve it if you are not satisfied with what ever life has dealt you.  Envy eats away and hurts the person who is envious and gets nowhere.

I am better off than my parents, my Father said when he was old just before he died, he would not change a thing about his life, he was born in 1909, very poor family in poverty, not the so called poverty of today, his was  by Tuesday wondering where the next meal was coming from, no benefits in those days, today poverty is deemed to be not having the latest TV, phones designer clothes etc.  even when on benefits, but he made the best off it and worked hard, never begrudged anyone, I learnt a lot from him.

Well said and written Daisy Mae. I agree with you here. (even though we agree to disagree sometimes)


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Olympics - Page 3 Empty Re: Olympics

Post by daisy mae Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:28 pm

Thanks Rose. Did you enjoy your weekend?

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don`t matter, and those who matter don`t mind.
                                                                Dr. Seuss
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