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Rear Suspension Mezan 2006

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Rear Suspension Mezan 2006 Empty Rear Suspension Mezan 2006

Post by rickandbev16 Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:09 pm

Hi All,

Does anyone have any thoughts on the rear suspension on Mezan's ??

I have only had mine for a month or so, but the rear ride height seems awful low to me, although everything seems level.
Example the exhaust is only about 2" off the ground, and a lot of care needs to be exercised when going over speed bumps, in particular the high ones in use in some supermarket car parks. If you dont gently ease the van over some of these you get a loud "grounch" as the lip under the habitation door catches. Thinking of that is there any way of reinforcing the lip at the rear or is this felt unnecessary ???

Also if you are driving with the window down, there is a very annoying creaking twittering noise from either the black plastic trim on the side, or the wheel trims (cant decide !). Speaking of wheel trims, the standard ones are horrid. Any thoughts on alloys or less hard plastic wheel trims??

Anyone got any thoughts on these items ??

Many thanks, Richard


Posts : 9
Joined : 2015-07-27
Member Age : 72
Location : Leeds, West Yorkshire
Auto-Sleeper Model : Mezan
Vehicle Year : 2006

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Rear Suspension Mezan 2006 Empty Re: Rear Suspension Mezan 2006

Post by Peter Brown Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:09 pm

Richard, not much experience of Mezanes on the forum. You may get a response but if you don't, that will be the reason.

Peter #1
Peter Brown
Peter Brown


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Rear Suspension Mezan 2006 Empty Re: Rear Suspension Mezan 2006

Post by Anthony Salamone Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:19 pm

Yes I had a mazan I just fitted bigger wheels and better Springs works a treat wheels cost £ 1000 springs 50 hHope this helps
Anthony Salamone


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Rear Suspension Mezan 2006 Empty Re: Rear Suspension Mezan 2006

Post by madprof Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:31 pm

Hi Richard,

I have a Mezan and yes its size means it is closer to the ground than most other vans.  The exhaust is the main issue and does usually catch on speed bumps as it's only a few inches from the ground.  It doesn't seem to do it any harm though.  My partner and I compete to get over a speed bump without it scraping!

The back of the vehicle is also relatively close to the ground.  We have to be very careful when there is a steeper incline as it can bottom out.  We had one scarey scrape on a rough farm track - I kept going and it the noise was terrible, but luckily all it did was scratch the glass fibre on the underside.

I did replace our wheel trims with some that look more like aluminium than plastic.  Perhaps have a search on the internet for some you like the look of.



Posts : 9
Joined : 2013-08-07
Member Age : 57
Location : Colchester, Essex
Auto-Sleeper Model : Mezan
Vehicle Year : 2005

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