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Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004

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Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004 Empty Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004

Post by MPC44 Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:52 pm

Hello I have a A/S Nuevo 2004 had some probs with leisure battery (my last post) In France this year (May) to be precise my clutch just failed no warning no slipping etc. Had to be brought to a garage where they fitted a new clutch.(Expensive) I have just brought the van into the garage for its MOT +service. The garage have just phoned to say van needs  a "new Clutch".Mileage 39K has anybody had a similar problem with a Peugeot Boxer The garage in France were amazed that the clutch had failed with such a low mileage.
Ps bringing the van into garage I did not notice anything amiss.

Posts : 10
Joined : 2011-11-22
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo

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Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004 Empty Re: Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004

Post by Paulmold Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:15 pm

Are they a garage you have used before and do you trust them? What did they say when you told them it had just had a new one? Did the garage in France actually fit a new one (did they show you the old one) do you think. Either way I think one of them is telling porkies.

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Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004 Empty Re: Clutch probs on Peugeot Boxer 2004

Post by MPC44 Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:00 pm

Paulmold wrote:Are they a garage you have used before and do  you trust them? What did they say when you told them it had just had a new one? Did the garage in France actually fit a new one (di  d they show you the old one) do you think. Either way I think one of them is telling porkies.
Hi thanks for your comments, strange thing though is in France I did not get any idea from driving that the clutch was going to give up.The garage is one I have been using for years with no problems.They said the problem was noticed when they put the van on the "Rolling Road" .On the French side they did not show me the old one.He did tell my wife(she speaks french) that he did not have to fit the clutch release lever. Looking at the invoice that part has been crossed out.Maybe that's the cause of the  problem .C'est la vie

Posts : 10
Joined : 2011-11-22
Auto-Sleeper Model : Nuevo

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