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Habitation Door Stuck Shut Reflection!!

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Habitation Door Stuck Shut Reflection!! Empty Habitation Door Stuck Shut Reflection!!

Post by Mutleysdad Sat 09 Aug 2014, 5:37 pm

This is a follow up to my previous threads. Having been to hell and back with this door, I am pleased to advise of the outcome and preventative information for all campervan owners. If you want to prevent the same thing that happened to me, I would suggest the following: With the door open you will see a rubber seal around the closing point on the door. Firstly using a cleaner or as I used, white spirit, clean the inner edge where the door closes to. You may find a black rubber mark which needs to be removed. Then using silicone spray, go around the actual rubber seal with the spray and wipe off any surplus silicone. I would suggest that you do this maybe twice a year. You would not believe how strong a bond becomes between the seal and the door during a period of intense heat especially if you have not used the door for some period of time. I would also like to thank Auto Sleeper Service and Spares departments for their help during this period, and because I did the work myself was able to save myself a lot of money!!


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Habitation Door Stuck Shut Reflection!! Empty Re: Habitation Door Stuck Shut Reflection!!

Post by DuxDeluxe Sat 09 Aug 2014, 9:21 pm

I had a slightly sticking door on my Broadway - didn't even think about it until you posted the resolution, but when it stuck a bit I used some Harken McLube dry lubricant spray and it never stuck again. As a dinghy sailor, Dago probably knows all about McLube but any similar dry lubricant would work - as you say, silicone lubricant. Cheers

Quackers wave


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