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Water tank heater on Nuevo

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 Water tank heater on Nuevo Empty Water tank heater on Nuevo

Post by Paulmold Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:55 pm

Has anyone got a heater in their tank? The reason I ask is because when we arrived on site yesterday we were warned of a cable hanging down that we nearly ran over. Getting under the van I found about 5 ft of white flex hanging loose. It comes out of the top of the water tank and crosses to the other side. Attached to it was a length of gaffer tape which presumably was wrapped around the flex and to somewhere else to keep it out of harms way. I was wondering where this was supposed to go and the route the flex was supposed to take.For the moment I have coiled it up and secured it to a rear cross member with cable ties. If this is the tank heater cable it was not a very professional installation.


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Auto-Sleeper Model : Sussex Duo
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 Water tank heater on Nuevo Empty Re: Water tank heater on Nuevo

Post by immobilejim Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:15 pm

Hi Paul,
After I had owned my Amethyst for a season, I found two switches hiding behind the curtain at the rear of the driver's seat.One marked F and the other marked W.
I contacted Autosleeper with my 'Build No.' and they confirmed that it wasn't an A/S installation - but suggested I check the two tanks for cables. Sure enough there was a cable running out of the tops of the Freshwater and Wastewater tanks.
It must have been installed by the first owner who had the van for nine years. I have never used the heaters in these tanks since owning the van but both tanks are very well insulated and below the offside of the van, so not far from the two switches.
Hope this helps,


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Location : Grimsby
Auto-Sleeper Model : Amethyst
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 Water tank heater on Nuevo Empty Re: Water tank heater on Nuevo

Post by Paulmold Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:25 am

Thanks Jim. The dealer told us we had a frost heater in the fresh tank (never had need to use it yet) so I assumed it was fitted from new but I think our dealer was also the supplying new dealer so if so he would have known about it. The switch is adjacent to the other control panels and so the wiring goes from one side of van to other. There's enough wire to go right round the vehicle, down side, across back and back down other side. I presume they simply couldn't be bothered to cut the extra length off.

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Posts : 26446
Joined : 2011-02-21
Member Age : 73
Location : North East Wales
Auto-Sleeper Model : Sussex Duo
Vehicle Year : 2010

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